Chapter 19

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Unsure of what to do or say next Marinette stared at her kwami, she went to speak only for the god to shush her of all the what if possibilities she would have probably spout if given the chance.

Placing the phone that she was now clutching down on her desk, she turned to the open sketch book next to her and grabbed a pencil and turned to a new page, fashion was something that she loved. She could forget her problem when she was coming up with a new idea.

Though each time she drew something she immediately rubbed it out, her mind not silencing itself of all the reasons for him not responding to her and how he was probably planning to block her.

Next to her she saw her phone vibrate. She thought it was a text reaching to grab it. She saw her phone begin to ring and her auto set ringtone began to play who could be calling her, checking the caller ID she let out a small gasp.


Damian was calling her.

Wrong number Damian was calling her.

The guy who was apparently her age and lived halfway across the world was calling her.


She looked to her kwami who had taken a seat on her shoulder at some point in the past few minutes, the god's eyes were solely focused on the phone. A look of intrigue on her face, before her eyes met Marinette's and nodded towards the phone.

A slight push she needed to answer the phone, she carefully slid the answer button and pressed the speaker button hearing a slight rustle come through the phone.

She glanced over at Tikki, unsure of what to do or say, they had only ever texted and even then, they had only known each other a little while.

"Hello" spoke in a deep voice.

Clearing her throat Marinette let out a little squeak of a "hi" unsure of what to say or do.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Marinette," he spoke again. Marinette nodded only for the kwami to facepalm, it wasn't a video call the two couldn't see each other.

Quickly realising her lack of response "you as well Damian" with as much yet still little enthusiasm she could muster. Though she was mostly still confused as to why he had called.

"I have read that venting benefits one's social and emotional needs and can help to cope" he stated in the same calm tone.

Marinette was unsure of what to do or say, the way he spoke was calm yet blunt he had skipped any form of pleasantries other than a simple hello.

"Ok" she responded after what had been an awkward pause of silence unsure of what he had wanted her to say, she had barely spilled one of the biggest secrets she held to him not even half an hour ago.

She heard a 'tt' sound being made before he spoke once more, "if you would like to talk, I am willing to listen, I do not know the full length of this problem you have been facing though would like to help you. If you would allow me." 

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