Chapter 13: So... you're a snake now...?

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(Second-person POV)

Laughing wildly, the boy looked around as he prattled "I'm never coming down from this sugar high!" Suddenly, the four ninja that had fought him leapt down from the sky, landing in front of the child.

"Sorry to bust your buzz, little Garmadon," the male in black announced before his teammate in blue finished his sentence "But's already past your bedtime!"

Hearing this, the kid yelled out "Get them!", to which the snake general rattled his tail furiously and commanded his loyal army "Ssseize them!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the Hypnobrai began charging toward you and the four teens, causing you to sigh in annoyance. At this rate, you'll never reach Lloyd before the sun sets.

"The Serpentine?! They're real?!" the red ninja exclaimed as his team got ready to fight.

"It's not just them we have to worry about," the leader of the quartet added on, glancing towards the villagers that were heading toward you all. "The whole village has been hypnotised!"

Just as the male in blue was about to attack using his shining weapon, his friend in white stopped him. "No! Our weapons are too unstable! We could do more harm than good!"

"I guess that leaves us with RUN!!!" the ninja yelled out as they began to dash out of there while you punched a snake-man unconscious.

...Why won't they use their powers by themselves? you wondered in confusion, not using your elements as you don't want the group to recognise you, but they have no reason not to use theirs. Perhaps their armaments contribute to their abilities? Not blaming them for not going to aid you as you were quite some distance away from them, you continued laying punch after punch into your enemies, your body blazing with the feeling of being alive. It felt exhilarating to fight, your very soul relishing in how utterly alive it made you feel, for all the inner pain and confusion to be released; you felt so much more powerful.

Not too far away from you, you heard the surprised voice of the ninja in red. "Nya?"

"You're okay!" his companion in blue gasped in relief, but the feeling didn't last long.

"Barely. They've hypnotised everyone in town, and if it weren't for that hooded stranger's help, the same would have happened to me," a female voice replied as you recognised it as the girl you had helped hide before.

...They're supposed to be ninja, but they're not subtle at all... you thought to yourself as you heard her let out a dreamy sigh, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up from the feeling of multiple eyes staring at the back of your cloaked head.

"Hmph. He can't be that impressive," the ninja in blue huffed, making you wonder if the female you heard before was talking about someone else.

Probably, you decided as you avoided the blow from a serpent-man and threw him over your shoulder into his allies, I'm a female and though I disguised my voice, I wouldn't sound like a man, right?

"Mind control? How is this possible?" the spiky-haired teen suddenly wondered aloud when his sister answered his question.

"When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look them in the eyes. That's how they get you," Stop listening in, you decided that you had spent enough time defending and it was time for you to go on the offensive. Still not using your elemental powers, you began to fight your way through the crowd of snakes using the hand-to-hand combat techniques your sensei had taught you.

"You wanna play?! How 'bout a little Spinjitzu?!" the irritatingly familiar voice of the hot-headed male called out before starting to spin around in a tornado. Vaguely remembering your teacher offering to show you how to perform the attack when you first met him, you watch the ninja spin around in the corner of your eye. Due to Kusho Sensei's untimely... disappearance, you were unable to learn how to do the technique but weren't salty about it. You had pretty good mastery over the element of Void and the other abilities you've gained through it, so you were pretty satisfied with your sensei's teaching skills.

Void - Ninjago x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now