Chapter 32: Skydiving? More like skydying-

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(Second person POV)

Leaping off the edge of The Destiny's Bounty with Kai in tow, you followed after the other three ninja who seemed perfectly fine with allowing themselves to plummet toward the unperturbed city below. Seemingly trying to hold in his screams of fear, the fire elemental tightly gripped your wrists with such force that bruises were on the verge of blooming under his hold.

Unlike the male in red shivering with fear, the other teens seemed perfectly fine with the situation, even letting out the occasional whoop of delight. Grabbing out his Golden Weapon, Jay was suddenly enveloped by a flash of bright arctic-blue lightning, transforming his nunchucks into a jet plane before taking off toward the ground.

With a satisfied sigh, Cole grinned under his hood "I love the smell of land hurtling towards you in the middle of the night!"

Giving him a nod in wordless agreement, Zane turned his attention to you and Kai, seeming concerned that the two of you didn't have any means of transportation. Catching his worried look, you gave him a reassuring nod as if to say you two were going to be okay. As the metropolis drew closer and closer, the males in black and pink pulled out their Golden Weapons, turning them into their vehicles, driving down the side of a building before skidding to a stop.

Before using your gravity element to catch Kai and yourself, you felt the fire user's grip shift from your side to your waist, the contact catching you off guard and making you freeze up instinctively. Just as you were about to recover your composure, a blinding golden flash blinded you as you felt licks of warm flames flutter over your skin, just close enough to give you warmth but not enough to burn you.

Hearing a familiar rumbling of an engine's soft purring in your ear, you relax a little as you let out a soft sigh of relief, glad that someone had caught you and Kai. Once the white spots faded from your vision, you found yourself held in the tight embrace of the fire elemental, the male cradling you to his chest as if you were going to disappear at any moment if he were to loosen up even a little. Catching sight of your slightly bewildered expression, the teen smirked before giving you a wink, his eyes no longer the sickly chartreuse-green.

Thank goodness... you sigh internally as you hear Koun nod in agreement, At least he's perfectly fine now...

"So, how does it feel to fall for me?" Kai grinned, making you extremely confused, the silhouette's guffaws of laughter not helping to clear your perplexity in the slightest.

"...Are you still sick?" you inquire, making the phantom-like materialisation of your past laugh even harder as the other let out a breathy groan, looking up at the sky with an aura of canary-yellow frustration.

"No... I'm fine..." the ninja sighed, glancing at you with an almost regretful look as the motorcycle skid to a stop, prompting the other members of your team to rush over.

"(y/n), are you alright?" Cole asked, looking at you with worry as Zane slowly but surely pushed the fire user away from you.

"I'm fine," you answer, earning sighs of relief from the trio. After an awkward moment of silence, you raised an eyebrow and questioned "Aren't you going to check on Kai? Shouldn't he be the one you three are the most worried about as he was under the Venomari venom's influence mere moments ago?"

Glancing at the male mentioned, the other teens seemed extremely relieved that the hothead was no longer hallucinating or making odd remarks.

Well, that makes sense, you remark, seeing the others briefly check on porcupine-head, It would be extremely inconvenient if he were to make odd remarks again and give away our position.

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