Chapter 76: Oh how you loath yourself...

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(Quick author's note! This chapter may have some very disturbing themes including some suicidal ideation and obsession which might not sit well with some audience members. However, to make up for it, there will also be lots of empowering talk! Just wanted to throw it out there so that you are mentally prepared ^^)

(Second person POV)

Though your vision was blocked by another set of teal shower curtains, you could noticeably see the outline of a woman lying on a bed. Protruding from the main body were the dark silhouettes of various long, cylindrical tubes that connected to various machines of different sizes. Standing over her were the outlines of various doctors, some scurrying around and moving things around while some stood deathly still.

Even without needing to double-check, you knew it was Catherine on the bed from her delicate aura. And, from the way the mist ebbed and faded before reappearing again, you knew her condition was not good without even needing to be told by the people standing around her.

Halfway across the room, a group of nurses were having a jolly conversation, as if there wasn't a person dying right there with them. In another room, a doctor was loudly interviewing a patient, their voices passing through the walls that were thin enough for them to be heard but thick enough to muffle up most of their words.

"Wha- How did you get in here?!" a man's slightly muffled voice blurted from behind you, clearly startled and confused. His coworkers who were shielded by the curtain in front of you stopped in their actions, seemingly alarmed by the other's cry.

"M- Miss!" another stranger's voice exclaimed in shock but you didn't care to respond. "Miss, you can't come in here," the woman you didn't know piped up again as you felt a hand hover above your left shoulder, just about to make contact with your skin. Before she could even start to touch you, you turned around swiftly, grabbing her wrist with your gloves acting as a barrier between the two of you.

Remembering that it'd look bad on your part if the ninja caught you squeezing this random nurse's arm, no matter how much you argue that it was on pure instinct, you let her go, your limb falling back to your side. Your attentive eyes not missing the way she hugged the joint to her chest in alarm or pain, you decided to change the topic so she wouldn't try to tell your 'friends' about your actions later.

"...What do you mean 'I can't come in here'?" you asked, your cold expression reflected in the human's wide baby-blue eyes-

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Suddenly, a wave of pain washes over you as you let out a low growl, your hand almost frantically clutching at the side of your head in an attempt to quell the agony. It didn't work, only serving to make you look not entirely sane.

"A-are you alright, Miss...?" the nurse mumbled uncertainly, her instinct to help the injured coming before her fear as the other doctors looked at one another uncertainly.

"...Yeah," you murmured back lowly, feeling the throbbing fade to a dull ache that refused to leave. But, it was the best you were going to get it right now and you sure as hell didn't want to get kicked out of the room before you got a chance to see Catherine properly. "...What were you saying before about me not being allowed here?"

"W-well, this patient is currently in critical condition and the doctors are still performing surgery to get their vitals to stabilise. We're trying to limit visitors in case they bring in some kind of disease or get in the way of the operation. Plus, only family and close friends are allowed to visit and they must sanitise their hands and wear a mask first. To prevent, you know, illnesses." Pausing for a moment, she looked at you worriedly, "So... I would request that you leave before I have to call security..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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