Chapter 38: A heart-to-heart chat

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Mini author's note:

I will be including fan art of the characters on some pages mostly because I have collected too many. I hope you don't mind!

(Second-person POV)

(Time skip - 1 week)

Letting out a soft sigh, you leaned against the back of your chair, letting the knowledge you had just read sink into your brain. Going over the various philosophies that were written in Master Wu's book, you ran a hand through your hair, wondering whether any of it could be applied to your current life. Well, no matter the case, I've finished reading it and now I should put it back, you thought, getting up from your chair and taking the text with you so you could put it back without the man noticing.

What should I do now? Dart is asleep, as usual, Koun is nowhere to be seen, and Lloyd's out with Kai while the three others are out trying to find out the Samurai's identity... Speaking of the others, weren't they talking about some kind of 'True Potential'? I wonder what that's all about... you mutter to yourself, wandering through the halls almost absent-mindedly, The guys keep talking about it as if it were some magical thing that will make them stronger or something... If so, how would one know that they have reached it? What does reaching one's 'True Potential' even mean? How would one even know if their potential is true, or if it is actually their full potential and they have no more potential to give? Would it be worth pursuing and staying here longer or would it be better for me to leave to search for my teacher now-

Suddenly, you stopped just before you nearly bumped into someone, your body jerking forward as you almost toppled over the person in your way. "Excuse-" you began, only to stop as you recognised the figure to be Nya... though she seemed a little... uptight.

"...Is there a problem?" you ask, noticing the panic in her eyes as she quickly shoved something behind her back.

"N-not at all!" she answered a little too fast, a strained smile plastered on her face as she shook her head, trying to avoid your interrogation.

"...Right..." you mutter, noticing the ruby on her bracelet flashing red. "Your jewel's blinking, by the way," you point out, making the girl let out a yelp of surprise as she hurriedly covered it up, dropping her helmet in the process. 

...The helmet of the mysterious Samurai, huh, you thought, picking it up off the ground. Quickly glancing over the object, you took in every detail as you held it out to her. "Here," you offer, handing the headwear over. 

A face flush with embarrassment and nervousness, Nya takes her helmet back with a soft "T-thanks," before seemingly remembering something and looking up from the ground into your eyes. "Please don't tell the guys about this," she pleads, a dry smile climbing up onto her face, "I don't wanna interrupt their plans with the 'big reveal' and all."

"Sure," you answer, not understanding why everyone was entrusting you with their secrets, "I'll keep my lips sealed."

"...Those lips don't just look sealed..." she softly murmurs under her breath, her face turning an even deeper shade of pink as she glanced away from you, her right hand subconsciously rubbing at her other arm.

"Pardon?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. Did she think your lips were 'dry' like it was described to have been in the books your teacher left you? You've never had dry lips before, so this was a rather exciting thing. Perhaps you could find out more about-

"N-nono," Nya hurriedly responded, shaking her head as she let out an awkward laugh, "I-I didn't say anything, I swear!"

"...Alright," you reply, pushing the thought aside as the other didn't seem comfortable elaborating, "I'll see you later then."

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