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Quickly walking to your boss' office, you stressed that you would be scolded for being late. That's what you get for leaving your purse in your boss' office with no mind of even thinking about it ever since yesterday. Usually leaving the alarm to your phone, you didn't wake up early and realized that it was up to you to rush and get to work.

"Fuck, I knew I was missing something," you say as the other finished files you brought home were struggling you to carry on.

Quickly getting inside his office, you totally forgot that your boss came back again, so it was quite confusing and very embarrassing when the mayor and your boss looked who entered in his office.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Mayor," you say nervously as you tuck your hair behind your ear, "Did I disturb you two in a meeting?"

"No worries. Here, let me help you with that," Bruce says as he walks up to you. You thank the boss.

"Ms. Y/n, meet the mayor of Gotham."

"How do you do, Ms. Y/n," the mayor says as he gives you a hand that you returned to shake.

"I'm doing well, sir," you say, "I'm so sorry for disturbing your meeting."

"No need to. I you didn't mind, Mr. Mayor," Bruce defends you.

"Oh, not at all," the mayor says, "The more the merrier."

Bruce laughs richly as you gave a shy one.

"So, anything urgent, Ms. Y/n?"

"O-Oh, no, sir. I forgot that you just came back yesterday, and needed to get something here," you say, backing up to go to the door, "But I can go get it later, sir. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Mayor."

"And to you to," he smiles.

Bruce gives a glance at the mayor before his eyes follow you leaving. The mayor laughs cheerfully as he moves his arms around to get comfortable again.

"Was that woman your secretary?"

"The best and only one," Bruce proudly says, "Mr. Lucius Fox chose the right person before his retirement. She is the pride and success of this company going on."

"Really? I guess you take a good liking of her."

"Of course, sir, she's the one taking care of the meetings and anything more for this company," Bruce says with pride, "She is so important to the Wayne Enterprise. No one can replace her."

The mayor chuckles.

"Then she is the best worker here."

"Yes, sir, she is the best," Bruce says as he smiles of thinking of you."


Knocking on your door, Bruce listens for a response. When he didn't, he opens the door and finds out that you weren't even in your office. Confused, he finds that you took your purse and phone off your desk, but there were so many sticky notes and one frame of you and the two same boys. Was it your break right now? But it couldn't possibly. It wasn't lunch time yet. So, he went to the front desk.

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