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When the playboy Bruce Wayne came back inside his own home to the living room, he finds no presences of you. Nothing, but a fresh iced cup of water. He seems confused yet remembers that he gave you access to walk around the mansion. Then, a distant laugh of joy was heard up the stairs and Bruce follows it to wonder if you were there.

He follows the noise in Damian's room and opens it up after knocking. What he sees is Tim by Damian's side on the chair as you were at the right side of him to help with his essay homework. The three were too busy to figure out that the famous billionaire was inside the room until he spoke up.

"What's all the good ruckus in here?" Bruce asks.

The three of you look back as Tim smiles in pride.

"Bruce, you'll never guess the miracle that happened," Tim starts to explain, "Damian was having a hard time making his essay. Then, Ms. L/n came by and now, look at the working guy!"

"Shut up, Timothy. If you just explained like she said it, then it would've been way more easier," Damian spat.

"Now, you two. It's too late for a fight," you scold, "But do you understand now that you have to make notes? Even though you think you have it all figured out?"

"Yeah, whatever," Damian says, embarrassed.

Tim laughs as he loves seeing Damian get defeated from time to time.

"Well, I have to go now and talk with Mr. Wayne," you say as you take your coat, "Tim, you can talk care of him, right?"

"There's nothing I can't do," Tim winks at you. You wink back at him before walking back to Bruce Wayne.

As the both of you walked out of Damian's room, Bruce gave a playful, yet surprised look as you gave a confused one.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Wayne?"

"O-Oh, nothing. I'm just surprised you got through Damian," Bruce walks you back to the living room again, "You're a real interesting charm, Y/n. Even I'm surprised."

You start to get flustered, still not used to the billionaire's compliments as you try to make up an excuse.

"O-Oh, that? I'm just used to approaching kids with any help, b-because I used to do that back with the community before I worked here," you say.

"But still, that's a hard skill to even do. That's the first time he let an adult close to him," he says, "that says something about you, Y/n. You're a special one."

You nervously laugh and tuck a strand away from you face.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wayne."

"Please, Bruce is more comfortable. I don't like the sound of formality around the people I'm used with," Bruce replies.

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