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Walking around the aisle with a cart full of goodies, you look at your phone to find if there was anything else on the list that needs to be checked out.

"Where is it- oh, found it," you say as you pick the product up.

As you buy everything, you walk at the opposite way of going back home, carrying almost ten full bags in your hand, the manager told you that you could use their baskets as long as you gave them back. You thanked the manager as you took two baskets and walked to the place you wanted to go before coming back to your apartment.

When you rang the doorbell, a little girl pops up as she smiles.

"Now, what did we say about opening doors for random strangers, Kelly?" you tease.

"Ms. L/n! Guys, Ms. L/n's here!" the little girl jumps up a little as almost everybody came to see and greet their magnificent orphan godmother.

"Hello, kids. Sorry I came in late," you say, "I was buying all the teenagers what they wanted for this week since it is their month."

You gave all the teenagers their candy, even the ones who were quiet. They all either shared with the others or just kept it all to themselves. Of course, you couldn't leave the other children, so you got chips for them.

"Well, it's about time for you to come back," one of the staff pops up.

"Long time no see, Susan," you ask, "Where's Jack?"

"Jack?" Susan was thinking about it, "I think he's at the garage. What? Did you forget to give him his birthday gift?"

"That was one time!" you whine.

Susan only laughs as she remembers that you gave her your birthday gift a month later. It was a good time to remember, but an embarrassing one for you.

"Well, remember to take care of those children, okay? They're getting very feisty at the second," you tease.

Susan only laughs as one of the children grab onto your leg.

"Ms. L/n! Are you going to come back tomorrow?" she asks.

You smile and pick up the child. The girl's name was Cassidy, and she was given up when she was born. You thought it would be hard for the girl to deal with something like that, but since there were children like her who knew what she was dealing with, you didn't think of it as much of a problem.

"Cassidy, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can make it up tomorrow," you say.

"But why?" she pulled out her puppy eyes as you start resist them, hoping you won't get hypnotized by her cuteness.

"B-Because," you start looking away, "When you work for the richest man in Gotham City, it's hard to take things off your back."

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way?"

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