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Yawning, you get into your job's building with coffee in your hand. As you do, you greet the front desk as you get into an elevator, going to your floor. Once you reached it, you got out of the elevator and stretch before starting the day. You greet the people you knew with a usual morning smile, but you were really feeling terrible. Maybe it was because of that wine from your talk with Bruce.

You get in your office and shut the door, a sign for the co-workers that you'll be working hard yet again. You scoot up in your desk, your desktop phone rings as you groan.

"I didn't even get to set my bag down on the floor," you mumble before picking up the phone and give a plastic cheerful voice, "Hello, this is Y/n L/n, the business manager of Wayne Enterprise. How may I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like a refund on this product," a woman says over the phone, "But one of your employee's won't give me what I want."

"Yes, sir," you get on your computer to log into your business account, "Do you have your receipt sent by email or by phone, ma'am?"

"I don't, but I have a picture of my receipt and want a refund on this product I bought from you guys, but this employee doesn't want to take it."

"Do you personally have your receipt with you, sir," you ask politely.

"I just said that I have a picture of it."

Yup, it's gonna be a long talk. Whoever is in this floor is so dead for giving me this customer.


Bruce smiles to his employees as he finds himself in your office floor. He already called the front desk that he would come by, so, of course, she announced that to everyone so they can get prepared. As he walks up to your office, he knocks before coming in.

"-Yes, sir. I understand that you're furious, but-

You sigh as you didn't pay attention to who opened up the door, thinking it was one of your co-workers.

"Sir, I understand, but if you just give us your receipt that is not taken by a photo then-

Muffled, Bruce could hear the part where the customer says that she was going to sue the company and her. He gave a bit of a glare, but soon released it once you started talking.

"Marilyn, I swear if it was you I will-

You look up to find yourself cut off by your boss right in front of you. You quickly stand up and fix your posture.

"Mr. Wayne," you say, "I didn't know it was you who came in."

Bruce scans how tired you look, despite how hard you try to look professional in front of him. You thought you didn't look clean, so you fixed a few strands away from your hair to act as if you were natural.

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