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Closing the door, you put up everything you had in hand and drop yourself on your bed. Yawning and stretching, your cat jumps on your bed and rubs his body against yours to wake you up and do your nightly routine before you go to bed. You give him a happy sigh and get up, petting him before doing anything else.

When you left your room, the cat hissed when a shadowy figure came behind your window. Unlocking the window, the Batman gets in with his dirty shoes. As he looks around, he hears a cat run out the door, watching him run away to warn you. The Bat didn't mind since he did need to talk to you.




That was a lie, but he'll try to get your attention.

"Love, what do you want this time?" The Bat heard your voice from afar.

Batman rushes to find a good hiding spot and before you could even find him, he was long gone.

What brought your suspicion was that your window was open. Confused, you find a bit of dirt on the ground, rising your fear of the surroundings. Before you could look outside and find the Bat, your train of thought was lost immediately when you heard your phone ring off. You pick it up and sigh to who it was. You answer the call and give an answer Batman was caught off guard.

"Hello, this is- Eddie?" you state your question while closing your window, "What the fuck do you want now?"

Eddie? Who's that? He's never heard of anyone in your friends' history. Could've there been a misinterpretation, or did the Batman miss a tinder date?

Batman could hear the rough yells in your phone as you slightly push it away from your ear with a grimacing face. Every time you would speak up, he'd cut you off, making you just end the call without even the person at the other side of the phone to finish.

He watches you sigh and sat your body on your bed. You rub your face before your scalp in frustration but kept your cool by standing up and going back to the running hot water in the bathroom. Batman climbs back in as he collects the data in your phone before you finished your shower. As you were coming back from your shower, you were yet again creeped out that your window was wide open for the world to see a woman's apartment. You close the window again and planned to make a call at the front desk about this.

"I swear I closed that window," you mumble before looking at the harsh dirt on the ground.


On his desk again, Bruce looks through the data in your phone that he tries to search for. There was nothing else, but simple business stuff for you to work with. Going through your deleted search history was the same as well, but that didn't stop him to find out who this Eddie is.

Looking through your call history, the unknown number was this Eddie you mentioned. Bruce looked through the number's database, but there was no trace of him. It was like he just bought a new phone just so he could call you. It was either that he was once your boyfriend or that he . . . well, in general, that or something happened in the past.

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