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Mr. Wayne seemed . . . off tonight.

You remembered what happened before you left. He seemed close, too close to you. It was nice to hang out with him for a while, but once he asked you to stay for the night, he was getting rowdy. It wasn't like him. Maybe it was just because he's still recovering from his business vacation. It can take a toll on him since he takes a ton of those vacations.

"Is everything alright, Ms. L/n?" Alfred asks.

You look up and smile nervously, surprised by his concern.

"Yes, everything's fine. Why is that?"

"You just seemed, how kids say it, 'out of reality,'" Alfred lightens up the mood.

You laugh at his try of keeping up these generations.

"I'm fine. I had a bit of alcohol with Mr. Wayne tonight, so maybe that's why I look uncomfortable," you explain.

"Ah, so it seems so," Mr. Alfred says, "Well, here we are."

You look out the window to find that you were at your apartment. You smile.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Alfred," you say as you take something out of your purse, "I know that you already get paid a ton of money from Mr. Wayne, but here's a thank you gift from me."

You hand him a 20-dollar bill as Alfred looks behind himself. Surprised by your action, he shakes his head and puts a hand up.

"No need to, Ms. L/n. I'm only here to serve Master Bruce's orders.

"Please, you've already done so much for me. At least take a bit of money from me," you plead.

Alfred looks at the money and then back to your promising pleading face. He sighs and smiles.

"Ms. L/n, you are one of a guest," Alfred compliments, "But I cannot take any money or such things unless it is for the Waynes. That is my duty's rules."

"Then," you think of an idea, "think of it as a gift from a friend."

"It still abides by my rules, Ms. L/n," Alfred continues.

You sigh and pull back the bill.

"Fine, but just so you know, I really do appreciate your work. Thank you so much for the dinner yet again, Mr. Alfred," you appreciate.

"It is my duty to," Alfred smiles.

You smile back before leaving the door closed after you left.


"I'm home," you mumble.

You take off your shoes and put on your slippers as you walk into your room. You try to find your Love, but he wasn't anywhere, so you figured he was in your room probably sleeping and waiting for you. You were right as he was laying on your pillows waiting for you.

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