Part 33.

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I woke up the next morning on the couch still in the same ball I fell asleep in, Jake on the other end wrapped in a ball in an upright position with what looked like dried snot all over him as Charlotte slept on his chest. Looking at the time on my phone, it was 5 in the morning as I sat up and shook him awake.

"What time is it...." He whispered as Charlotte snored.

"5....I'm going to put her back to bed" slowly grabbing her I carried her back to her room and tucked her in.

"Why did you stay here, you should have gone home.." I said to him walking back out.

"She was up every hour and you are just as sick and exhausted as she is so I let you sleep and took care of her." Yawning, he sat up and stretched.

"What are you trying to do here Jake?" I asked as I took my temperature again in the kitchen.

"Make up for lost time by taking care of you guys. How are you feeling?"

"Like Shit, and I don't need anyone to take care of me but thank you. You should probably go home now, wouldn't want miss thing over there to have a heart attack that you didn't come home" walking to the door and opening it, he followed me out front.

"I'll always try to take care of you and Charlotte" he gave a small smile before walking down the street to his house. I sat back on the couch putting on another movie as it started to rain. My phone dinging with a text message.

Colson: Hey pretty lady, any plans today?
Me: I have a date with the couch lol Charlotte and I are sick
Colson: damn dude that sucks, you guys need anything?
Me: no I think we are ok for right now. I'll probably have some food or something delivered later. What are you doing today?
Colson: not a fuckin thing, the guys are passed out somewhere and my interviews got canceled
Me: that's shitty, I'm sorry. Go play a board game lol
Colson: who plays board games lol
Me: good point 😆 then idk what to tell you

We texted back and forth for a little bit longer until Sarah texted me that her and Evelyn were gonna stay a few extra days in San Diego, Charlotte waking up soon after and sliding her feet across the hardwood floor with her blanket in her hands.

"Hey baby girl" I said softly to her as she climbed on the couch and curled up on me. I was able to get her to eat a little not long after but not much, her fever not as high as yesterday but she still felt sick, we both did. My phone going off again with a text from Jake.

Jake: how are you guys feeling?
Me: shitty....more importantly how did your number get in my phone?
Jake: I put it in there when you were asleep?
Me: right because that not an invasion of privacy at all 🙄
Jake: calm down I only did it to keep in touch, I didn't go through your stuff. THAT would be invading someone's privacy.
Me: right....ok well this is awkward now soooo I'm just gonna go put Charlotte down for a nap

I decided to put my phone down for the rest of the day, I didn't feel like being bothered any longer by people. Walking up the steps with Charlotte, we laid down in my bed and watched Finding Nemo till we fell asleep only for me to wake up a few hours later to the smell of food cooking in the house.

"What the fuck...." I mumbled to myself and slowly walked down the steps to see that someone had dropped off food in my house with a note attached to it.

What's up pretty lady,
I know your day has been shitty, but I hope you and the little one feel better soon. By the way you should really learn to lock your door.


I couldn't help but smile at the small gesture he did but there was one thing that racked my brain so I pulled my phone off the counter.

Me: Hey just woke up, thank you for the food but Ummmm how did you know where I lived lol you stalkin or something?
Colson: well shit you caught me
Me: ....are you serious?
Colson: 🤣 no, I was at the party you threw a couple weeks ago and I didn't know your name so when I saw you at the rainbow I recognized you and your friend so I came up and introduced myself.
Me: fuck how the hell were you here and I didn't even know lol
Colson: you were pretty fucked up dude, we all were though so it's all good. I would have asked you that night but you seemed busy with the dude at the door.
Me: oh right, Jake, that's Charlottes dad. It's a confusing situation.
Colson: well maybe one day you'll tell me.
Me: maybe we'll just have to see

Putting the phone back on the counter, I heard Charlotte wake up and walk down the steps.

"Hey sleepy head, you hungry?" I asked her as she nodded. Picking her up I put her in the high chair and pulled up the box of food Colson sent.

For the littles

I rolled my eyes at the note and opened the box to see a Mickey Mouse shaped pancake with scrambled eggs and 2 pieces of bacon, her eyes lighting up seeing the food snatching the box from me. I laughed watching her before opening mine to see ham and eggs with hash browns, honestly he couldn't have guessed better because I love ham and eggs.

We finished up eating when I remembered to lock the front door while giving Charlotte a bath and then letting her play a little before she went back to bed. It looked like it stopped raining outside so I took a moment to myself and walked out back with a glass of wine to smoke a cigarette.
Playing on my phone for a little, I received another text.

Colson: did you enjoy dinner?
Me: we did, thank you for saving me the trouble of cooking tonight
Colson: anytime, how are you feeling?
Me: eh a little better hoping this glass of wine will hit the spot before I put Charlotte down for bed.
Colson: didn't she just wake up though?
Me: yeah but she's always been the type to sleep a lot when she's sick, it's not out of the norm for her.
Colson: gotcha, wish you didn't feel like shit so we could hang out.
Me: you're not gonna leave it alone are you?
Colson: nope lol
Me: Colson if you feel like getting sick then come on over but it's gonna have to be after I put her to bed.
Colson: that's fine, I don't mind waiting a little bit to head over or getting sick.
Me: what's wrong with you lol
Colson: what's right is a shorter list lol I'll see you in a little bit.

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