Part 24.

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"If you could describe how you're feeling in one word what would it be...." That question rang out in my head as I sat on the floor of my room staring out the window.
"You're pregnant..." kept ringing out as well. I ignored almost everything from that moment on, I stayed quiet, I stayed in my lane, and if I wasn't crying I was fearing what my family would do when they found out I was pregnant.

"One day we will be free from this place..." I whispered softly with my hand on my lower abdomen. I didn't feel alone but this was one of the only times I actually spoke, I complied with the daily activities and took in the information given but the quieter I was, the more people left me alone, and that's what I wanted.

"Alright Ms. Blackwell and there is your baby!" I smiled while looking at the screen, a small tear forming seeing my child on the screen. The heartbeat filling the room as I looked up at one of the nurses who escorted me here, a smile on her face seeing the happiness in mine as she hadn't seen me smile before. I couldn't peel my eyes from the screen as I watched it with the utmost intensity- I was pulled from my flashback with commotion in the hallway. I slowly stood up, I knew that voice and I knew why they were freaking out, I slowly creaked the door open and saw one of the other residents in recovery, Sarah flipping out and crying on one of the nurses. She was a petite girl with long blonde hair, probably 5'2" I watched from the door way with my arms crossed over my chest as she screamed at the male nurse. I calmly watched from a distance until enough was enough and she wasn't calming down, sighing to myself I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder making her turn around. Once she saw me, her look of anger and fear diminished causing her to breakdown and cover her face with one hand as she cradled her growing stomach, it gave me relief knowing I wasn't the only pregnant women here, she was farther along then I was but her story was insane. She was in a relationship with a man who beat and sexually assaulted her everyday, to numb her pain she started drinking and when drinking didn't become enough she turned to heroin. She not only was in withdraw but suffered from intense ptsd, according to Sarah she found out about her pregnancy a week before she came here, it was her reasoning to get clean and has been here for 2 months. I gave her a small smile to indicate that she was ok and in a safe place which only made her latch onto me in sobs as I rubbed her back, nodding to the nurse I turned her around to make our way back to her room, which ironically, was right next to mine.

"Lily....." I knew that voice all too well. With wide eyes I stopped in my tracks.

"Please no, please no, please no" I whispered quickly as I felt my blood pressure rise and adrenaline begin. Sarah stopped and looked at me in concerned then behind my shoulder, sending me a small nod and turning me around.

Right before my fear filled eyes stood my father Axl, my breathing picked up and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. The look in his eyes wasn't one of anger, but one of sadness and concern.
"Lils...please come here" he spoke softly as a tear slipped from his eye and he held his hand out. Instinctively, I placed my hand over my baby and looked back at Sarah as she gave me a small push forward. What I didn't expect was Jake to appear from behind the wall, my eyes growing wider as I looked between the two men and turned my head back to Sara, a magnitude of tears flowing down my cheeks. I've never turned on my heels so fast and slammed my door so hard, curling up in a fetal position in the corner I sobbed, my voice shaking like an earthquake.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening..."

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