chapter 3 - amusment park

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{Makis pov}

Today my class has to go to some amusement park. We had to get into partners for the bus ride, everyone but me and Kaito had a partner.

I had to go with him, so for the whole bus ride, I sat in silence. He acasionally spoke up to ask questions, but I did respond.

After around half an hour, he fell asleep. His head was resting on my shoulder, Shuichi, who was on the row next to us with Kokichi, frowned.

Kaito let me have the window seat, luckily, so I ignored everyone else and looked out the window.

I didn't see much, I saw a random man showing off what looked like a crystal ball to woman who was next to him, laughing.

Once we arrived, I woke Kaito up. "Kaito... wake up. We're here." He suddenly sprung up, and cheered "YESSSSSSSS!!!"

Kaito would either go on a ride with me or Shuichi, if they were 3 seaters he would have both of us with him.

Whenever Shuichi and Kaito went on a ride together, I would see Kokichi giving Kaito death stares. I went on a few rides with Ryoma.

Ryoma couldn't go on many rides cause of his height, the workers thought he was a little kid, so he had to go on the caterpillar rides and things like that.

For some of the rides, Kaito was too scared to go on, so me and Shuichi went on them. Kokichi joined us sometimes, but most of the time he didn't.

"Hey! Maki roll!" "What!?" I turned round, to see who said it, and I saw Kaito grinning, he waved.

I walked over to him, and hit him on the arm. "Don't call me that! Idiot!" "Why not? Its cute!" "No it's not! It's stupid and embarrassing!"

I walked off, and spent the rest of the day with Ryoma and Kirumi. I was really pissed at Kaito, I didnt want to sit with him on the way back, so Ryoma offered to.

On the way back, I sat with Kirumi. "Um... Maki?" "..." "sorry to bother you... but I was wondering, what was your favourite ride?"

"Kirumi, why do you care?" I scowled and continued "I didn't really enjoy any of them, Kaito screamed the whole time, and it ruined it... he's such a baby."

I heard sobbing from the seat behind us, I looked behind me, and saw Kaito. "Maki why are you being so mean..."

He sat there as Ryoma patted him on the back. "...sorry... Kaito I'm just having... a bad day..."

He smiled "th-thanks Maki ro- M-Maki..." I turned back round to Kirumi, and we talked about how unscary the rides were.

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