chapter 6 - dating a murderer!?

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(The video is just to explain maki's childhood in case you forgot about it. You don't need to watch it.)

{Kaitos pov}

"But Maki roll!" "Kaito! Don't call me that!" Maki turned away, and she was about to leave the room, when I grabbed her arm.

"Maki roll! I-I need to tell you something..." we both sat back down, and I blushed, as she fiddled with her hair.

"Sorry Maki roll... I just need to ask you... do you have a crush on anyone???" "Do I want to crush anyone? I wanna kill kokichi, that's for sure!"

"I-i didn't mean that! Umm... is there anyone you like, like not as a friend, like you love them, or something?" I muttered, as she turned away.

"What are you playing at Kaito? What are you trying to say!?" She looked back at me, and smiled. *is she angry or happy?*  I thought to myself, as she slowly reached out for my hand.

She was holding my hand, I coved my red face with my other hand. Seeing me blush, she leaned forward, and kissed me on the cheek.

"M-MAKI ROLL!!! S-STOP! I-I definitely did N-NOT like that!" I could feel my face heating up. Maki grinned, and she hugged me.

"Uh... M-Maki roll... um I-I... I don't mind if you d-don't want to, but do you wanna go out with... with me?"

Her face went pink, and she smiled. "Well..." "L-like I said! It doesn't matter if you don't want to Maki roll!" I mumbled.

"I didn't say I didn't want to..." She held out a hand, and whispered in my ear "yes, i want to." "W-wait... R-really?" She looked away "I do... seriously, I'm not kidding!"

"Thank you, Maki roll! Thank you!" I held her hand and squeezed it tightly. "But Kaito... don't tell anyone about this." She looked into my eyes. "Ok I won't tell anyone Maki roll! I promise!"

She sat down on my bed, and I sat down next to her. "Maki roll... uh... that shirt is way too big for you... do you want me to get you a belt so it fits better?"

"Mhm..." I got up, and looked through my drawers. I found 3 belts: my favourite belt, a galaxy one, its REALLY fashionable. I found a white belt, and a black belt.

"So Maki roll, which one do you want?" "...I'll just have the white one..." She snatched it from me, and she put it on.

"Y-you look nice..." I smiled at her. "Uh... thanks..." She blushed. "Hey.. really i-it's no problem Maki roll!"

"Kaito, if you call me 'Maki roll' one more time, I will pull out my knife and sta-" "o-ok! I'll stop... heheh... sorry Maki r- I mean Maki."

"Well, Kaito... I can't really go home for a while... if I tell my... uh... Well... 'colleagues' that I failed my task, things won't go well..."

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