chapter 4 - why does it have to be you

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{Kaitos pov}

After school, I walked home with Shuichi, then it started to rain. We ducked under some shelter and put on our coats.

I saw a rather small figure dash past, it had long, dark hair in pigtails. I realised it was Maki.

The rain got heavier, and she slipped in a puddle. I ran over, and helped her up. She shivered, and mumbled "thanks."

She fixed her hair, and I noticed bruises on her hands. "Uh Maki r- I mean Maki, what happened to your hands?"

She looked surprised, and covered her hands. "Nothing." "Then why are they covered in bruises!?" "It's none of your business, Kaito!" She slapped me in the face, before running off.

I frowned, and me and Shuichi carried on walking. "Maki roll is being emo again. D-dont tell her I called her that!" "Don't worry Kaito, I wont..."


{Makis pov}

I rushed home, Kaito had annoyed me even more today. Once I got home, I pushed the door open and stepped in.

"You're late" a member of my assassin group snarled as I walked in. "I know. I fell." I scowled, and put my shoes away.

I heard a slam, and felt a wack on my back. It was a metal stick, this was my punishment if I was late.

When I first started the training, I would cry everytime I was hurt, now I can hardly feel it. "Maki, you have a new target."

It was my 5th target this month. One of the spies handed me a sheet of paper with the information on my target.

My target looker very familiar, I had definitely seen that voilet hair and eyes before. I looked at the name, and my face went cold.

My target was Kaito!? I had to kill him... "why do I have to kill him. I killed someone 3 days ago!"

I was slapped in the face. "You were chosen! Deal with it!" *why do I have to kill him... he's too nice..."

I went to my room, and found some disguises, I found a red wig, blue contacts, and makeup.

After a few days, my plan was ready. I picked out an outfit, it was a sailor uniform. As a matter of fact, it was my old school uniform.

I put on my disguise, and went to Kaito's address. I knocked on the door, and it opened after about a few minutes.

I picked that day, because it was raining. "Uh? How can I help you?" It was Kaito, he was wearing a shirt with aliens on it.

"S-sorry to bother you... i-i forgot my c-coat... I needed to f-find shelter..." He looked at me for a few seconds, before replying.

"It isn't raining that heavily..." "i-im a clairvoyant... i-i predicted i-it would get h-heavier, a few minutes a-ago!" Knowing Kaito, he would probably belive it, he's really dumb.

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