chapter 7 - a psyco and a dummy

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{Makis pov}

It's been a month since me and Kaito. Today, he asked me on a date.

"Please Maki roll!" "What do we even do on a 'date'?" "Maki? You... uh... you don't... know what a date is?' "Well I umm..."

He sighed, and sat down next to me. "So... a 'date' is when... when two people who 'love~' uuuh... eachother, go out to eat, or go somewhere together."

"Ok..." "so you will!?" His eyes sparkled brightly. "I-I- Uh... f-fine..." "Maki roll... uh... d-don't take this wrongly... but..."

Kaito leaned forward, and pulled me close. "K-Kaito?" He softly kissed me on the lips. "I love you Maki roll..." "I-I love you too..." I pushed him off me.

"So Maki roll... when should we have our date?" "Umm" "we can have it tonight!" "O-ok..."

I went home, so I could get ready. I don't really know what to expect, but I know if it's Kaito, it will be something big.

I had a shower, and I styled my hair. I had it partly braided, then put it into a bun.

I put on rose scented perfume, and red lip gloss. *now for my outfit* I thought.

I looked through my wardrobe, I didnt have many dresses. I found a red dress, with black roses on it. I put a belt round my waist, and put on dark red high heel shoes, and black loop earrings.

It sounds like a very 'emo' outfit. But it's the nicest thing I have.

{Kaitos pov}

I need to find the best outfit for my date! Something really cool! I found a galaxy suit, a purple shirt, a black tie, and a black belt.

"This will look great!" I grinned, and put on my amazing outfit. I found some black shoes.

Just to make sure I looked good, I called Shuichi. "Hey bro! Do I look OK?" "Kaito, are you going on a date?" "Uh- m-maybe!"

"Kaito, don't wear that suit. Just wear a black one." "D-do I not look good?" "Heh... you look fine... its just the suit... anyway, I've gotta go! Bye!" Shuichi hung up.

*Well, I guess it's time for my date!* I thought.

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