chapter 10 - unusual

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{Makis pov}

Kaito seemed to be unusually distant, as if he was ignoring me. It had been a week since I told kaito about my childhood.

"Hi Kaito." "..." He frowned, and turned away. "Hi Maki... uh is what Kokichi said true?" A voice said, in my ear. "Hm?" It was Shuichi.

"Is what true? You all discovered I was an assassin quite a while ago... what is it Kokichi said?" "Sorry... I just didn't want to go along with something without knowing if it's the right thing to do..." He pulled his cap down, to cover his face.

Kaito smiled at Shuichi, and left, leaving me and Shuichi alone. "Well, Shuichi. Answer my question!" "Kokichi said he saw you and Kaito... on... on a date? Is that... true?"

I felt the anger boiling inside of me. "That little rat... where is Kokichi?" "U-uh I don't know!"

Without thinking, I pulled out a knife, and pushed Shuichi, holding the to his neck. "Maki! S-stop! I'll tell you where he is! He's at some orphanage harassing little kids..."

I let go of the knife. "What orphanage?" "Uh... I can take you there..."  Shuichi took me to the orphanage.

"Hey! Maki! Look! It's- it's on fire!" My heart skipped a beat when I saw the orphanage. This was where I grew up.

Outside of the orphanage, stood Kokichi and a little girl. The little girl turned, to see me and Shuichi. "Oh! Maki!" She shouted, before running over to me.

"I-" this must of been one of the younger kids, it had been 6 years since I left, I'm not really sure how old she was.

"Maki I really missed you! You do remember me, right? I was like... uh 2 when you left... please tell me you remember me!" "Sorry... i don't..."

Shuichi crouched down, he said to the girl "Hi! Ummm... what did that boy over there do?"

"Umm... he was trying to scare my friends, then the orphanage caught fire...we were still inside... I was closest to him, and he got me! He saved me!"

Shuichi smiled "wow! That's great! Are you ok?" "Umm I hurt my leg in the fire... but he got more hurt..."

Kokichi walked over "heyyy Shumai! Hiii Maki roll!" I grabbed his arm, it was soaking, soaking in blood.

"Kokichi... why the f*ck is your arm covered in blood!?" I shouted at him, full of anger. "I nearly got crushed trying to save this little girl! Neeheehee!"

The girl stared at me and Kokichi, with a very scared expression, she was clutching Shuichi's arm.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps. "Maki roll! Shuichi bro! Are you guys OK?" It was Kaito. He looked down at the girl with Shuichi.

"Bro... I didn't know you had a kid!" "What!? She's an orphan! She's like... 8!" "She could still be your kid!" "How!? I'm 8 years older than her-"

The girl started crying, and she ran over to me. "Maki! What about the others! What if they get hurt!" "... wait here..."

I went over to the remains of the burning orphanage, there was an open window, and a face poking out of it.

It was another child, holding a rope made out of bed sheets, and towels. The child lowered it down.

I ran over, as the kid climbed down, I got a closer view, and recognised it as one of the 10 year olds. The child slipped, and luckily, I caught him.

"M-maki!" It was a little boy, he had a burn scar on his left eye. "..." "Maki? Do you not remember your favourite boy here?" "What?" I replied.

He smiled, "it's me! Sabo!" "Umm... what happened to your face?" "I was right by this big explosion when this fire started... nobody else survived..."

The girl ran over to him, and he jumped out my arms. They hugged. "Namiiiiiii!!!" He smiled. As Kaito, Shuichi, and Kokichi watched.

"So... Maki roll, what are we gonna do with them, Kokichi is a psyco, you cant look after kids cause of your current job, and umm Shuichi is too emo, and I don't know the first thing about kids!"

"I'll look after them!" Shuichi knelt down, and patted Sabo on the head. "Yaaay!! We have parents!" "Hey Shumai! Do you want an extra ha-" "Kokichi I won't let you look after them."

"Why not Maki ro-" "Shut up! Kokichi you expose every little thing you know about me! You're also incredibly psyco! I'm not letting you look after them!"

Sabo, Nami, Kaito, and Shuichi watched as me and Kokichi were arguing. We came to the conclusion Shuichi would look after them. Not Kokichi.

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