Robin II

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(This is a different version of the first Robin, I wrote the first one before I knew everything about his backstory so now I'm writing a different one that is more or less correct to the actual storyline :D)

⚠️PTSD/PTSD Attack | Anxiety | Flashbacks | Death/Mention of Death⚠️

I shivered and pulled the collar of my jacket up around my neck as I walked down the street. Tonight was just not a good night for me. My anxiety was acting up again, and everywhere I looked I kept being reminded of my parents...

"Please welcome... the Flying Graysons!"

Everyone around me was cheering as my parents got on the trapeze. They went a couple of rounds before going for their last time. As soon as they got on their trapeze and started swinging across, the strings connecting the wooden bar with the ceiling suddenly snapped, and they went crashing to the ground without a net to catch them. 

They were announced dead less than an hour later. I remember a man coming up to me as I cried and later adopting me as his own. That man happened to be Bruce Wayne, or as I mostly knew him, Batman.

I found myself standing in front of a giant poster hanging on a building, depicting the team in the circus on our last mission and comparing it to the Flying Graysons.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to keep myself from having a PTSD attack. I hadn't had one in ages it felt like, but that was because I mostly forgot about what happened that day. Now, it was like everything was rushing back all at once, too fast.

The com in my ear beeped, telling me someone was calling. I opened my eyes and turned away from the poster, forcing myself to keep walking as I answered the call. 

"Hey, Robin, where are you?"

Wally's voice filled my ear and I frowned slightly, wondering why I answered the call when I wanted to be alone for a while. Maybe I thought it was a mission.

"I just went for a walk, I'll be back soon," I muttered, glancing back at the poster again.

"Okay, well, hurry up, dude!" he exclaimed. "We were gonna watch a movie with the rest of the team, man!"

"'Kay, I'll be back soon," I repeated. "I just wanted to be alone for a while."

His voice softened. "Oh... Is it about the mission you went on?"

I pursed my lips and tore my gaze away from the poster. "Yeah. I just needed some space away from the team."

"Okay, well, take as much time as you need," he said. "But don't be afraid to call me if something happens, okay? I'll call you again in like, 20 minutes to check up on you if you're not back by then."

"'Kay," I murmured. "Thanks, Wally."

"No problem, man! I'll see ya soon."

I hung up and kept walking away from the poster. I rounded a corner into an alleyway and sat down with my back against one of the buildings, just staring blankly at the graffitied wall, feeling a random wave of nausea come over me.

"Please welcome... the Flying Graysons!"

I blinked and looked around as I began to panic. I was in a crowd of cheering fans, watching with wide eyes as two figures stood on top of large poles in the middle of a wide, open space and began flying around on trapezes.

No... Not now...

A loud sob escaped my lips and I curled in on myself, squeezing my eyes shut and not daring to open them or look up.

I can't be here... I can't be here...

My hands and body began to tremble uncontrollably and I began to hyperventilate as I heard the crowd cheering louder. I knew that this was their last swing. Tears spilled freely from my eyes and fell to the ground, and I faintly heard the snapping of the ropes before there was a loud crash and snapping of bones.

"Stop it!" I screamed, plugging my ears. "Stop it, stop it, stop it..."

I suddenly heard a beeping in my ear and I cautiously opened my eyes, seeing that I was no longer at the circus, but sitting on the ground in the alleyway, staring at the graffitied wall. I furiously wiped my tears away and took a shuttering breath before answering the call. Did the attack last 20 minutes?

"Robin? You doing okay?" Wally asked, and this time, I was relieved to hear his voice.

I cleared my throat. "I—" I stopped, before quietly starting again. "I'm okay..."

My voice was shaky and I slid my hand down my face, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"I've been trying to call you for almost 10 minutes, I was worried," he said. "Are you sure you're okay? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

I broke down and tears filled my eyes again. "I-I'm sorry, I just... I'll be back in a little bit—"

"Robin," he said, his voice suddenly firm. "What happened? Send me your location, I'm coming to get you. Now."

I sent him my location and tears began falling down my cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, I thought I was going to be okay... I thought I just n-needed a walk to clear my head—"

"What happened?" he asked again. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"...I had a PTSD attack," I mumbled, sniffing and wiping my eyes. "I-I didn't think anything would happen, though, I-I'm sorry—"

"Stop apologizing," he demanded. "It's not your fault. I'm coming to get you, hang tight."

After a couple of minutes he arrived at the alleyway, and he immediately came over and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, and we were silent for a little while before he quietly asked, "Was it about your parents?"

"Yeah," I responded. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't hear any of your calls..."

"Stop apologizing," he said again. "Like I said, it's not your fault. Sh** like that happens, unfortunately. I'm sorry you had to go through that again, though."

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