Robin XVII

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⚠️Physical Pain⚠️

My eyelids slowly fluttered open, and I grimaced at the bright light that was nearly blinding me. Everything hurt immensely, but I couldn't remember why. I felt nauseous and sweaty and my vision was hazy as I forced myself to sit up and look around. 

I was in the recovery ward of our new HQ, and I glanced around, looking for something to ease my pain. I didn't see anything, but I knew there were pain killers in the kitchen, so that's where I went.

I slowly slid out of my bed, feeling extremely light-headed and whimpering as the pain grew worse. Sweat poured down my face and soaked my shirt, making it sticky. I stumbled along the wall until I got to the doorway, gasping for air and holding my ribs gently and flinching with every breath because it hurt my chest. My vision was going dark around the edges and everything was blurry, making me close my eyes for a brief moment and rest my head against the doorway. It was cool, which felt good on my hot forehead, but I knew I had to get to the kitchen in order to relieve my pain.

I opened my eyes again and began walking towards the kitchen, feeling like I was going to throw up and clenching my teeth tightly so I wouldn't scream out in pain. Why wasn't anybody here? Did they all leave on a mission?

Suddenly, it started to feel like small needles were stabbing every part of my body, and I fell down, beginning to feel my hands and legs tremble uncontrollably. My vision went completely dark, and ever so slowly, I lost consciousness.


When I woke up, I felt extremely sore, but I wasn't in as much pain as I was before. I could breathe normally without it hurting my chest, which was good. I opened my eyes and squinted against the harsh light before trying to sit up. A hand was gently placed on my chest and pushed me back down, saying, "You need to rest."

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and focused on Artemis, who was sitting next to me. She looked concerned. 

"What-what happened?" I mumbled, suddenly realizing my throat was dry. That bothered me. "Is there water...?"

She quickly grabbed a glass of water and held it to my lips as I drank. When I was done she set it back down and sighed. "You don't remember going to Granny Goodness's house?"

I squinted, trying hard to remember, but I couldn't. My head was starting to hurt; probably an upcoming headache. "No, I-I don't."

"You were put into what she called an 'X-Pit'," she explained. "You and Jeff were put in there for quite some time until Kaldur came to rescue you. Jeff recovered, but you... were having a hard time."

I closed my eyes and tried to remember again, but everything was fuzzy. I didn't remember ever going to Granny's house, or getting put in an 'X-Pit'.

"Sorry, I still don't remember..." I murmured, opening my eyes. "But... what happened? I-I remember waking up and going to the kitchen..."

She frowned. "Yeah, about that... The team came back from their mission and Tim was the first to walk in. He found you on the floor having a seizure..."

I blinked slowly. I remembered shaking when I fell unconscious, but I didn't think that I was having a seizure...

"Oh..." was all I said. 

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