Robin XIII

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(Robin's young again in this one, this is more about Robin and Wally's relationship)

⚠️Brief Mentions of Anxiety⚠️

"You're sure not gonna learn emotion from Batman, trust me," I said, laughing a little.

Everyone sort of smiled and turned their attention back to Red Tornado, but Wally kept his gaze on me, a worried look crossing his features. I raised my eyebrows slightly and he shook his head and mouthed, Not here, before looking back at Red Tornado. 

I frowned slightly. What was that about?


"What did you mean by that?"

I glanced up from the TV and saw Wally standing behind me, leaning over so that his face was above mine.

"Mean by what?" I asked, resting my head on the back of the couch.

He shrugged. "What did you mean by 'you're not gonna learn emotion from Batman'?"

I smirked. "Well, it's true. Batman's the most emotionless person I've ever met. You're not gonna learn emotions from him."

"You literally live with him," he said, lowering his voice. "And you have since you were nine. Are you trying to say something?"

I just stared at him. Our faces were even closer now because Wally had bent down more so I could still hear him when he was talking quieter, and I could see tiny freckles spalshed across his face that I had never seen before. His eyes, I realized, had flecks of brown splattered in them, which made me wonder why I had never noticed it before. 

"Robin," he whispered, which snapped me out of daze and made me mutter, "Hm?"

"Are you trying to say something?" he repeated.

Trying to say what? I couldn't even remember what we were talking about anymore. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest and I didn't know why. Was Wally making me nervous?

"Uh, no," I mumbled, beginning to feel lightheaded.

"Okay," he whispered.

He still didn't move. My neck hurt from looking up for so long, but for some reason, I didn't mind. My heart was still pounding but I still couldn't figure out why. Why was Wally making me nervous? We had been best friends for years, and we had probably been in more awkward positions than this one. But for some reason, this didn't feel awkward. It felt... different.

I noticed his eyes trail down to my lips, and I unconsciously looked at his. They were slightly chapped and thin, and I wanted to jokingly offer him chapstick, but this didn't feel like a time to joke around. To be honest, I didn't even know what was happening. It felt like a bit too intimate of a moment to share with your best friend.

We sat in silence staring at each other for who knows how long before a voice said, "Hey guys-!"

Wally quickly moved away and I sat up as fast as I could, which made my head spin, but I didn't care. My face was burning and I turned around, trying to spot where the new voice came from.

Thankfully, it was just Zatanna and Artemis. Wally and I both froze and sat completely still, watching as they walked over to us.

"Did we interrupt something?" Zatanna said, looking confused. 

"No!" we both said, extremely quickly and in unison. 

We both glanced over at each other, and Wally simply mouthed, Later, before saying goodbye to them and quickly leaving. They both walked away chatting and I turned back to the TV, wondering what was happening in the show. 

(Small time skip, 3rd person POV for a hot second)

Connor was walking down the hallway to his room when he noticed Robin standing in front of Kid Flash's door. He's about to shout something to him, like a hello or some sort of greeting, but then Robin's hand gets grabbed and he goes flying to his room. He hears the door slam shut and he stops for a brief moment, confused about what was going on, but then continues walking to his room, shrugging it off as nothing.


I got yanked into his room and he slammed the door shut before turning to me.

"What the he** happened out there?" he whispered. 

"I honestly don't know," I whispered back. 

He walked over to me and stopped when our faces were mere inches apart. My heart started pounding again. I didn't know why Wally was making me nervous, or why we were standing so close to each other, but at this moment, I didn't mind. I kind of... liked it?

His finger grazed my jaw and I froze, my thoughts flying from my head. He's touching me. He's touching me. His finger moved up to my chin, where he tilted my head upwards so I was looking up at him. My heart was pounding so fast I felt lightheaded, and my stomach was twisting into nervous knots. He slowly leaned down and suddenly, our lips touched.

My eyes fluttered shut as his gentle touch. The knots in my stomach unravelled and for some reason, this felt right. I felt at peace. The kiss only lasted a second before he pulled away and I opened my eyes and stared at him.

"S-sorry, I don't know—" he started, looking scared and confused.

"It's okay," I said, grabbing his hand. "I... really don't mind it at all."

He stared down at me for a moment before he began to smile, then he leaned back down and our lips touched again. But this time, both of us were more sure of what we were doing. His arms wrapped around my waist and I placed one hand on his chest and the other behind his neck, pulling him closer to me. Everything just felt so right, so good, I never wanted it to end. 

His lips slowly moved from mine to my cheek, then to my jaw, then slowly down my neck, pressing gentle kisses against my skin. I loved how careful he was when he kissed me, like he was afraid of hurting me. It made me feel... valued? Cared for? I didn't quite know what I was feeling, but it felt nice.

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