Robin XV

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(Robin's 16 in this one but he was 13 when he was a freshman so im just assuming he was put up a couple of grades and now hes a senior at age 16. This one is also about Robin and Wally's relationship)

⚠️Nothing really, maybe a super brief mention of anxiety?⚠️

"Hey, you're a senior, right?" a familiar voice asked. 

I stopped and turned around, making eye contact with the red head as I broke into a grin. "Yeah, I got bumped up a couple of grades," I said, stopping and hitting him gently on his shoulder. "Hey, Wally."

"Hey, Dick," he said, grinning too. "How's the academy?"

I shrugged. "Same ol' thing. You should ask Artemis, she goes here too, man."

He smirked. "I know, but it's more fun to hear stuff from your perspective."

"Why's that?" I said, smirking too.

He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me against the wall, leaning his body against mine. My face immediately went red as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hand through his hair. It felt more natural now though, because I had grown a lot more and now we were roughly the same height.

"Wally, you said that was a one-time thing," I whispered, his face dangerously close to mine.

"Two-time thing?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

I chuckled a little and cupped my hand around the back of his neck. "What if someone sees?" I whispered, studying his eyes. 

"I couldn't care less, I really need to kiss you," he whispered back, putting one arm around my waist and tugging me against him.

Our lips touched and I immediately melted into the kiss, closing my eyes and pulling him closer. I didn't realize how much I missed kissing him. It still felt so right, so good. One of my hands cupped his cheek gently while the other ran through his hair, messing it up as we kissed. His hands held us together by my waist and his fingers slipped up into my shirt, slowly caressing my skin. 

He moved his lips from mine and travelled down my face to my jaw, then to my neck as he pressed slow kisses against my skin. I pulled us closer together and he pulled his lips away from my skin, resting his chin on my shoulder. We began to slowly sway back and forth as we just hugged, feeling content in each other's arms. 

"You're a better kisser," I said, making us both laugh, but neither of us pulled away. 

"I guess that just happens with age, huh?" he said, burying his face into my neck. We were both silent for a little while longer before he whispered, "G**, Dick, I really don't want this to just be a two-time thing..."

I blinked in surprise, feeling my face heat up as I played with his hair. "What?"

"You just make me feel... I dunno, happy? Valued?" he mumbled. "I just don't want to keep doing this and then feel sh**** about it later because I miss it."

I just listened to him, staring blankly at the wall behind him as I absent-mindedly played with his hair. Was he saying he wanted to... be something? With me?

"So... what are you saying we do then?" I asked him quietly as we swayed back and forth.

"...I don't know," he said with a small sigh. "Friends with benefits?" he said jokingly.

"Oh he** no," I said, chuckling. "That's basically what we're already doing."

"Hey, it's only been twice," he retorted, slipping his fingertips back into the bottom of my shirt and skimming my skin. "I was thinking maybe... boyfriends?"

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