Chapter 1

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Well I don't know what to say actually. Just enjoy I think :)


"Have you ever been sexually harassed?" the guy in front of me asked impatiently. His face was an emotionless mask and just by looking at him I felt like I was wasting his time. I seriously couldn't care less, it wasn't my fault he became a psychologist.

I shrugged in response and kept looking at the wooden desk in front of me.

A shrug. That's all they got from me, I wasn't planning on cooperating. If there was one thing I've learned over the past few years, it was that you shouldn't try to help them. Never tell them your story. Make things up, or even better: don't tell them anything.

"Melanie," the man sighed frustratedly. "Just try to answer the questions the best you can. We're doing this for your own sake."

I snorted. Yeah right. Like he gave a fuck about my well-being.The only thing this man cared about was getting home in time for dinner.

I dared to look up at him and gave him another non-committal shrug. The forty-eighth of the day, I've been counting.

I noticed the calm façade of the guy, whose name was Eric according to the card on his desk, was slowly slipping. A vein at the side of his head was pumping vigorously and his mouth was set into a tight line. He was starting to look like he wanted to rip my head off. Something which I knew he couldn't do. It was his job to improve my health, not to damage it any further, by throwing his desk at me for example. I smirked inwardly. That would be quite a sight. Maybe then they would finally let me out of this hell-hole.

After staring angrily at me for a couple of minutes, he finally put my file down and opened a drawer in his desk. He grabbed a stack of papers, which were hold together by a rusty paperclip. Apparently there wasn't even money to buy decent paperclips.

Eric shoved one of the papers roughly at me. "Read this. You're through your test-trial."

I looked up at him in surprise. Apparently he thought my look was one of confusion, because he raked a frustrated hand through his balding hair and muttered something like "had to become a Mortgage Advisor" before he went to explain.

"If you had payed attention to our first session. You'd know you had a period of trial. We wanted to know how bad your temper was and if your emotional health was good enough to be among the other cases. And apparently, although I disagree, you're allowed to meet the rest of the group."

I smirked at him. That was sooner than I thought. At the other nuthouses the test-trial lasted minimally one month. I couldn't be in her longer than a week. Maybe this place was better than I'd thought.

Noticing my obvious contentment, Eric scowled and motioned for me to read the papers. Weren't these sessions supposed to make me happier? By the looks of it no. The moment I showed the slightest bit of happiness or contentment, Eric would glare at me.

The papers contained the basic stuff. No raping, no torturing, no murdering, no vandalism and so on. If we did any of those things, the employees had the right to put us in isolation. Nothing I hadn't read before. The only difference was the fact we had to accept "the wristband", a device that would shock us once it sensed anger or any similar emotion. I wasn't particularly worried about the wristband, I've never had problems with my temper so the chance I would get shocked was really small. Besides, it meant that there wouldn't be guards standing at every corner of the room.

I quickly signed the papers and gave them back to Eric. He took them and put them in his briefcase. The moment he was done he simply dismissed me by waving his hand at me. I could sense he was happy our session was over. If he would already get frustrated with me, I couldn't help but wonder about the way he acted with the other cases.

As I walked along the corridor, towards my small room/cell, I reveled in the lack of guards. It was such an relief. It felt as if you had more freedom, although I knew very well this wasn't the case. In fact, I couldn't get a little bit angry or I would be shocked.

My line of thinking was interrupted when I crashed into something, or rather someone. It felt as if I walked straight into a wall. A startled grunting noise escape from my lungs as I landed on my butt.

"I'm so-," I started, before two hands grabbed my shoulders roughly and hoisted me upright. I found myself staring at the hottest guy I've ever seen. His hair had disheveled, brown hair and he had a strong jaw. He was the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on and immediately I felt my heart rate pick up as I looked into his forest green eyes. But of course he had to ruin it.

"Walk one more time into me and I swear you'll regret the day you were born," he spat. Than he shoved me onto the ground and stalked away. I could only stare at him in wonder.

I think we can conclude wristband doesn't work, I thought.

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