Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry you had to wait this long! I don't really have an excuse, I'm sorry again. But anyways here is it :). It isn't very long, but I promise you: from now on the chapters are going to be longer! And I'll update more regularly. I promise!



The same day I found myself sitting in a classroom with eight other students. We were all sitting apart from each other, about 10 feet between each table. The teacher was reading in front of the room, while we were trying to solve some geometry exercises. You couldn't exactly say there was a great sphere hanging here.

It was also completely quiet, the only sound you could hear was the scraping of pencils across paper. This was again completely different from all the other schools I'd attended. A classroom had looked there more like a chicken farm. But not here. I guess the device lying on the teacher's desk had something to do with it. Nobody wanted to get shocked.

Just as I was trying to find the asymptote of a graph, a piece of paper landed in front of me.

I looked around me and saw Audrey grinning next to me, motioning for me to read the note.

I didn't dare to open it, afraid to get shocked. To make my point clear I mouthed the word "teacher" to Audrey, who was looking at me confused.

She immediately understood and pointed with her pen at Mr. Wooden. He was fast asleep, his face hanging on his book. There was even some drool on the side of his face. Fucking gross.

I smirked at her and bit my lip to suppress my laughter. She grinned back at me, a huge smile covering her face, but this was quickly replaced by an impatient scowl. She waved with her hand again, telling me to read the note.

Sighing, I complied.

What do you think of Nate? A.

It was written in a bubbly, girlish font. It suited her perfectly.

Her question confused me, though. I thought it was perfectly clear what I thought of Nate. He had complained to her about me, right in front of me and had said he didn't want me in their group. Plus he had practically molested and threatened me in the corridor after she left. She didn't know that. But still, it had happened.

I ripped a page out of my geometry notebook and started writing a reply. I still looked now and then at the teacher to make sure he was still sleeping.

I think he's an arrogant, obnoxious, unbearable, narcissistic son of a bitch. Does that give you an idea? M.

I looked proudly at my reply. Somehow it felt amazing to direct my anger at this little piece of paper and at Audrey. She couldn't do anything about his behaviour, but I still hoped she would tell him this. I was too much of a coward to tell it him myself. And, yes. I was ashamed for the fact that I was afraid of him.

After I threw the note on Audrey's desk, I immediately focused on her face to gauge her reaction. I hoped I didn't insult her with this. I had just called her friend some names God had never wanted to hear. If someone said this about one of my friends, I would get extremely mad and to be honest I didn't want to lose Audrey as my friend. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

But to my surprise she didn't turn angry, mad or frustrated. No. Her face became a sad mask, tears rimming the brinks of her eyes. Oh shit. I immediately felt extremely guilty. I should have expressed my thoughts a little bit softer.

After a minute of five sulking in my guilt, another piece of paper was thrown on my desk. I anxiously opened it, afraid of what would be in it.

Well yeah. I guess you're right about that. But he's also kind, loyal, sweet and (I'm putting a huge emphasize on the and) he's hot. A.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. She wasn't angry and did even understand why I would think that of him.

But the qualities she just named weren't the ones I would put on Nate. But the way she had hugged him this morning and how she was now defending him told me she loved him and that I should answer less fierce.

Before I had time to answer, another crumpled piece of paper landed in front of me.

And don't you dare to deny it. I've seen you looking at him and if that wasn't a look of pure lust I can't tell you what is. A.

My cheeks flamed up immediately and I covered my reddened face with my hair, not wanting her to see me blushing over him. I wouldn't hear the end of it.

I have to admit he isn't bad looking, but that's completely overshadowed by his personality. M.

When she read my note her eyes showed the same sadness as they had a couple of minutes earlier. But there was also another emotion in them. Defeat.

She sighed deeply and raked a hand through her short hair, before grabbing a pen and writing again. This time her note was longer.

Alright. But don't you think you could like him even a little bit? It's just that he has always been the third wheel. You know with me and James being together and Crystal and Jesse. I had just hoped that maybe you could be the one that'd make us even. I seriously thought you were strong enough to tame him. I don't know, it seemed like you had such a strong personality. And I still think you'll be able put up with him and maybe even gain his respect. You don't have to be best friends, but I just want you to go along. Could you please try that for me? A.

I looked at the note, my mouth agape. She had hoped that Nate and I would be together. As in boyfriend and girlfriend. She had to be smarter than that. I couldn't believe that someone would ever like Nate enough to become his girlfriend.

Looking up, I saw Audrey looking at me pleadingly. Her lower lip was slightly sticking out and tears were still visible in her eyes. She was giving me one of the best puppy-dog eyes I'd ever seen. I immediately felt myself giving in.

I don't know, Rey. M.

It was short, but I didn't know what else to say. Somehow I felt attracted to Nate. As a moth to a flame. For some reason I wanted to look into his fierce green eyes and push his buttons yet again. I wanted to tame him, to make him like me.

But that was almost impossible and also dangerous. I didn't know what he was capable of. And to be honest, I didn't want to find out. Well yeah I'd like to know, but not with me as the subject.

Please, do it for me. You only have to try. Talk to him a few times, show him your not afraid of him. I'm sure he'll like you. A.

Talking to him wouldn't hurt, would it? I could at least try. It would give me a challenge here, something to do. Maybe my time in Cavanaugh would become a bit more sufferable when I had a little project.

And then I wrote the words I had never expected myself to write.

Alright, I'll talk to him. M.

Audrey squealed beside me and started bouncing on her stool. To be honest, she looked like a little kid who was locked up in Disneyworld. I grinned at her. She had so much energy, it was a miracle she had been able to sit still for the past forty minutes in this classroom.

Just then Mr. Wooden woke up from Audrey's squealing and clapping. That meant no more notes. For some reason I was extremely relieved. Who knew what she'd ask next.

"Miss Evergreen. Would you like to tell me why you're so excited?" Mr. Wooden asked Audrey, his eyebrows raised.

Audrey immediately toned down, looking anxiously at the device lying at Mr. Wooden's desk.

"Uhmm... well I just saw I had done an exercise right and I was a bit to happy?" her answer came more out as a question.

But to my and especially to Audrey's great the teacher seemed to buy it. He nodded and returned to his book.

I bit my lip to hide my amused smile from Audrey, whose face had transformed into an overly happy one again.

She mouthed a quiet "Thank you," to me, before she started working again.

What had I agreed to?


I'm sorry again it's so short! Next one is going to be longer!

Well you know what to do :)

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