Chapter 6

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Hey guys. I’m so sorry, I’m not even going to think of an excuse anymore. I’m just one lousy writer. This one is short too, because I didn’t want you to wait any longer. 

Enjoy :)


To my great dismay I had to stay in the ward for the next couple of days. Aydin stayed at the side of my bed to ‘keep me entertained and to try to get my memory back.’ He succeeded in the first part. However, getting my memory back turned out to be much harder.

It was ridiculous really. We did all different kind of things. He let me tell him the story and even told it backwards to me. None of it helped. It was still as if I listened to a nice little story. Not something that had actually happened to me.

Although he didn’t succeed in getting back my memory, I enjoyed his company. He wasn’t quiet or shy like I’d thought when I first met him. He talked the ears of my head and kept telling me stories about life here at the institution.

It appeared that he had been here for three years. After his parents died he was immediately shipped of to the closest nuthouse, which was Cavanaugh.

“So they just brought you to this place?” I asked. “Without any explanation?”

Aydin frowned lightly. “Everyone is here for a reason, Mel.”

I knew it was a stupid question before I even asked it. A boy whose parents were killed would be brought of to an orphanage, not a mental hospital.

“Why did they bring you here then?”

“After they died, I did some things I’m not very proud of,” he admitted quietly, his head hanging down. He was ashamed. 

I ran my hand through the locks of his hair that were hanging down, before I let my fingers trail across his cheek. Over the past couple of days, especially after my emotional breakdown, we’d become very comfortable around each other. I easily touched him the way I’d only touch a boyfriend. Neither one of us saw anything in it. We were just friends. 

“We all did things we’re not proud of. I’m here for a reason too, you know,” I whispered comfortingly. For some reason I hated it when he was sad. It hurt me too. 

Aydin let out a quiet chuckle. It was still sad, but it was a start. “Yeah, you started a fire at your school. That isn’t really that bad.”

I stared at him incredulously. “How do you know about that?”

“Word spreads fast in a place like this,” he grinned sheepishly. “We have to do something to keep our selfs entertained. Plus you told it to Crystal.”

“Is Crystal like the gossip-queen of Cavanaugh?”

He let out a laugh. Happy Aydin was back. “You could call her that. Tell Crystal something and within one hour everyone knows about it, the staff included.”

Alright. Note to self: never tell Crystal a secret. 

Aydin changed the topic. “Alright let’s try to get you’re memory back.”

I groaned loudly, sitting up straight in my bed and looking at him angrily. I hated this part of the day. It meant I had to go through stupid exercises that didn’t help at all. They gave me a headache, plus I liked talking to Aydin. 

“Please, let’s wait for half an hour.”

Aydin shook his head sternly. “Do you want me to leave?”

I shook my head quickly. I absolutely didn’t want him to leave. My time here would be unbearable without someone nice to talk to. 

“The staff only lets me skip to spend time with you if I help you remember previous events.”

“Oh, I was already wondering why you didn’t have to go to school.”

He scratched the back of his head. “Well it doesn’t really matter anyway, I never go to school. But now they know where to find me.”

“Where do you hide when you skip?” I asked, having to remember the place.

His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“I promise.”

“Not even Audrey?”

“I won’t even tell my diary.”

“Alright,” he sighed dramatically, pretending he had to mentally prepare himself. “In the library is a corner they can’t see you. It’s perfect. Besides no one ever comes into the library, except for you a week ago.”

That’s why Aydin was in the library, the morning I was skipping. He simply never went to school. 

“But don’t you have to get grades? For your future, I mean,” I argued. 

Aydin let out a humorless laugh and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. “Do you really think you have a future when you leave her? If you’ll ever leave at all.”

There was a truth in his words. No employer would ever hire a delinquent. There was even  a chance I would never be free again. The thought of it saddened me. 

Aydin apparently noticed this, as he rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

“Besides I’m too smart for these kind of lessons,” he tried to lighten the mood. “And my amazing brain just tells me you were steering of our previous topic. Your memory.”

I groaned for the second time. “Alright, Sherlock. Try the best you can.”

He grinned at me, before his face turned serious again. “Today we’re gonna try something different. Close your eyes.”

I complied without saying anything. 

“Good. Go back to that day now will you,” he placed his hands on my shoulders and started massaging them. I relaxed instantly.

Aydin continued. “Can you remember the moment you woke up?” 

I only nodded, recalling the moment I woke up to find my tangled hair.

“Walk slowly through your day. Think about every detail.”

I still knew everything, from the minute I grabbed Interview With the Vampire from my nightstand until the moment Nate told me he didn’t want my pity. From then on everything went black.  

Aydin started talking the exact same moment my mind came up blank. “After Nate storms away, you sit there for a couple of seconds before you walk to the corridor too. There you come across Jason, who provokes you, pretending to rape you. You punch him and get shocked, but you get up again and hit him again. He falls to the ground and you get shocked again, but just before you hit the ground Nate catches you. And then...”

Rose. After that Nate called me Rose. He gasped out of realization and then said “Rose.” But why?

And then everything came back, the moment I came across Jason, the moment I punched him. The agonizing pain of the shocking. Everything.

But most of all, he called me Rose.


A/N: Okay, some of you have been thinking Nate’s a vampire or something. He’s not. This is a all human story. No vampires, werewolves, aliens or anything supernatural. 

I hope none of you is disappointed.


ps: next chapter more Melanie/Nate action :)

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