Chapter 9

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Here's the new post. I've also added a cast to this story. I hope you'll all like it. I'm just not so sure about Meaghan Martin as Audrey. Next update I'll post a picture of how I envision her completely.

Well enjoy!


I kept running my fingers over the hickey Nate had given me a couple of hours ago. It stung a bit, but the feeling wasn’t really uncomfortable. If anything it reminded of his biting. 

I still couldn’t comprehend what had happened back there. One moment he was showing me his favorite place in the institute, the other moment he was biting me like a vampire would do. Normally, I wouldn’t allow a boy to do that kind of thing. I despised hickeys and I always thought girls who wore them were sluts. And look at me, having a hickey plus bite marks. 

Nate was so unpredictable. Sometimes he’s sweet, just like that moment where he gave me the iPod. The other moment he acts like a jerk, pushing me up against a wall and threatening me, although I had feeling that time was over. Now the time had come for sexual tension and teasing. 

“Ashford!” I heard someone yelling a couple of yards away from me. “Get your fucking ass over here, we’re going to fight.”

Looking up, I saw Jason standing at the field. He was already cracking his knuckles in an intimidating way. Just seeing him, made me feel uncomfortable. He was going to hurt me, probably punch me into the hospital. 

“Like hell you are,” Nate came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked into his green eyes and immediately started blushing. I really had to get a grip on myself. 

Jason glanced at Nate’s hand and then at me again. “Get away Bale, before I punch you too.”

Nate let go of my shoulder and stood in front of me. Jason was taller than he was, but I still had feeling Nate could kick his ass if he wanted to. “Go ahead and see what happens when you do that.”

I had a feeling that if the two of them were going to fight, it wouldn’t be a friendly sparring session. Now that their wristband didn’t work for a couple of hours, nothing would stop them to beat each other up. One of them would probably end up in the hospital. I didn’t mind Jason spending a couple of days there. I was worried about Nate, though. 

“How about I’ll fight with Nate first,” I looked at Nate pleadingly. “And after that you can beat each other up as much as you want to.”

Jason started to protest, but Nate quickly told me that was alright. He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the other side of the field, far away from Jason. I started complaining when he dragged us of the field behind another wall. I didn’t want to skip another period. 

Nate held his hand up, though. “Shhh... don’t get your panties in a knot. We’re not going to skip.”

I eyed him skeptically, but let him drag me away anyway. For some reason I was starting to trust him. It was as though I knew he would protect me of every kind of danger in the world. As if he had done that already. It was weird but for some reason I felt that way.

After a while he stopped at a deserted field — I was starting to wonder how big Cavanaugh really was — and stood in front of me. He was grinning lopsidedly in a way that told me he thought he was going to enjoy this. 

“I’m not going to hurt you, of course,” he said it like he was stating the obvious. 

I exposed my neck for him and made him look at my hickey. “How about a couple of hours ago?” 

He took a couple of steps until there were only a couple of inches between us. He looked intently at the mark on my neck and lightly ran his fingers over it. The sensation in combination with the memory made me moan. 

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