Chapter 7

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Well, here is the next chapter. I know it has taken me too long again, but I can't help it. School and stuff is just so busy. Luckily I'm going to have vacation in two weeks, so by then I'll update more regularly :)

Well I hope you'll enjoy this one!

It has a lot of Nate in it!


After I got my memory back, I still had to spend two goddamn days in the ward. Luckily Aydin had been there to entertain me. He never left the side of my bed and over the past couple of days we had bonded. I considered him my best friend now. 

Audrey, Crystal, James and Jesse had turned up too. Audrey a couple of times even. Every time they came along Aydin told me he had to go to the bathroom or had to collect his homework. I knew better, of course. He didn’t want to be in their presence. 

Even though Aydin wasn’t there, I enjoyed my time with Audrey and the others. They told me all kind of funny stories and even gave me enough chocolate to feed an army. 

I can tell you, within two day there wasn’t any chocolate left. I had eaten at least twenty-five chocolate bars and about four pounds of Hershey’s Kisses. I had been sick the day after, but it was worth it. I hadn’t tasted chocolate in three years. In the institutes you’re only allowed to eat what they give you and chocolate was one of the things they never give. 

When I asked them how they got all this chocolate, they just grinned and told me Nate could get anything. It appeared that he had a huge business running here. He would get whatever someone would like in exchange for different kind of things. A lot of people hadn’t paid him yet, but whenever he wanted something he could tell them to do it. Nobody knew how he got all that stuff in the institute. Only that he was the only one who could do it. 

After they told me about this, Crystal also mentioned that Nate hadn’t been his self after my ‘incident’. Instead of violent and impatient, he had become brooding and quiet. According to Audrey ‘he has thought more in the past couple of days than he has done in his entire life’. I wondered if it had anything to do with the Rose thing. 

A couple of hours after Audrey’s last visit, I was lying here alone. Aydin had an appointment with my good friend Eric, the psychologist. I knew that this time he really had to go. Every case had to visit a psychologist once a week, which meant that I had to go any time soon too. I was already looking forward towards that day. I seriously hated Eric’s guts. 

I decided to read a bit out of one of the books Aydin had given me. It was some story called The Hunger Games. He told me that even though it was a children’s book, it was amazing and that it would take over my life once I started reading. To be honest I didn’t believe one word of it, but the books Aydin had given me were all amazing so I thought I would give it a try. 

Just when I was on the tenth page, I heard the door of the ward opening and looked up. There was no way Aydin was already done with Eric and the nurse had checked upon me half an hour ago. 

Standing there in the doorway was, to my great surprise, Nate. He was as gorgeous as ever, but he looked exhausted. There were dark, purple circles under his eyes and his usually messy hair was now hanging limply in front of his eyes. 

“Hey,” I greeted tentatively. I had no idea what he was doing here and knowing his temper, I didn’t want to upset him. I was still weak after all and probably wasn’t able to fight back properly. 

Instead of saying something to me, he just crossed the distance between the bed and the door and sat down in the seat next to my bed. The same seat Aydin had used the last couple of days. 

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