Chapter 3

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I'm sorry I uploaded this late!! School has been killing me. Well this chapter you'll see a bit of Nate and another very important person in this story.



Audrey was talking enthusiastically about all the teachers and classes as we walked towards our first classroom. It didn't take her long to figure out we had two out of seven classes together. She simply went to the administrator and showed him her puppy-eyes and voila she had my new schedule.

I tried to keep up with her hasty talking, but had to give up after a few minutes. I just nodded, ah'ed and oh'ed at the right times. She was one ball of energy and I just wasn't, but I still liked her very much. Someone optimistic and positive was very refreshing after four years of depressed people around you.

"...out for mr. Johnson, he's very unsanitary," Audrey babbled on, waving occasionally at someone she liked or scowling at someone she didn't like. It was quite hilarious to see her expression changing every fifteen seconds. This time her face lit up entirely and she ran to hug someone.

I tried to see who the person was she was hugging, but it was very hard considering Audrey was wrapped around this guy. She must really like him. Poor James.

"You should meet Melanie, she's amazing and the newest member of our group," I heard Audrey saying before she dragged this person towards me.

Before I knew it, the guy I walked into after my session with Eric was standing in front of me, complete with his messy hair and piercing green eyes. By seeing me his face transformed into a scowl.

"Nate this is Melanie. Mel, Nate," as Audrey was introducing us, she waved her hands between us to indicate her point.

I was shocked. So this was the Nate they were talking about. The guy with the bad tamper and who was electrocuted this morning. He looked perfectly fine to me, a little wound at his forehead and scraped knuckles, but he seemed unharmed further. He wasn't looking like someone that has been unconscious just one hour ago.

He folded his arms in front of his chest and raised one eyebrow at me. "Seriously? Our new member?" he spat the words at me. "Who has decided that?"

Although it was clear the question was rhetorical, Audrey still answered. "We all did and if you didn't get your sorry ass into a fight again this morning you could have met her properly."

"Oh believe me, I've met her properly," Nate's tone has been mocking the whole conversation.

Audrey sighed and shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose as if she had a headache. The she looked him straight in the eye. "Listen very clearly Nathaniel Jonathan Bale, I really don't feel like putting up with you right now. Melanie is a member of our group whether you like it or not. Now if you'll excuse me." With this she walked away, with strong angry strides, as far as that was possible with her small body.

I looked baffled at her retreating form, while Nate glared at her with the power of a thousand hells. I don't think he has looked at me that way so far and I was fairly sure he liked her more than me.

After a minute or something I realized classes had started and I was here now alone with Nate. To make things even better I had no idea where to go, now my guide has left angry. And there was no way I was going to ask this jerk for directions. Great. My first day couldn't go better.

"Are you going to your class or what?" Nate's irritating, but beautiful voice snapped me out of my line of thinking.

I sighed and walked towards him, stopping right in front of him. "Do you even know a single sentence that doesn't make people hate you?"

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