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Once we came back dinner went nicely with all of us getting along. Charles did make comments about how we took so long in the restroom, but then told the story about how when i was LITTLE i peed in a trash can. That is a long story that I will never be saying again. Arthur was giving me the looks all night but I understand why I kinda just ran away from him. It's not like he's a bad kisser or anything, in fact he was a great kisser and like he's not the most unattractive thing ever. Like you know what I mean he's like hotish so it wasn't bad.....necessarily.

It's just the context of the situation. ANYWAYS i need to stop thinking. Right now me and Katerina are changing into our dresses to go out with the boys.

"You look divine" Katerina says while I give her a twirl of my dress. "Give me a twirl" I say wanting to see her beautiful dress.

 "Give me a twirl" I say wanting to see her beautiful dress

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"I love love love it, also we look very ying Yang" I say. "Everyone is gonna stop dead in their tracks when they see us" she said nodding her head at me.

"Please" I say before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to where the boys were waiting. When they heard us come they turned around and stopped. No like literally. Like the type of stopped you see in movies where they just like literally stop everything.

"When did you get that" Arthur asked breaking the silence.
"Today, don't you like" Katerina said for me.
"It looks beautiful on you Nadia" Arthur said before grabbing my hand to head to the car.

Tension tension tension tension tension. Too much tension i don't know what to feel right now, he does have really warm hands. We get in our car and our driver takes us to Jimmy'z Monte Carlo.

Let me tell you something. It is packed. Everyone knows Jimmy'z because it's legendary in Monaco. But this is really something else. I let go of Arthur and go to Katerina so we can grab drinks.

"Me and Arthur are gonna be right there" he points to a small table. "Stay close" he says while coming close to me to say it because of the loud music and people.

"Stay close" Katerina says while putting the back of her hand on her forehead, mocking Charles. I push her and laugh it off. I need some shots.

Now something to know about me. When I come to dance clubs I want to dance. Not hold a drink, so to get drunk I just do a bunch of shots. Like right now. "Five tequila shots for me" I basically yell at the bartender. "Damn, I guess five for me also" Katerina says too. "Start off small" I say shrugging. I'm pretty much a tequila beast if I do say so myself.

When I go give him my card to start a tab he just waves it off before pointing at this a guy from across the bar. The guy was totally into Katerina.

"Oh my god he definitely payed for our drinks because of you" I said while slightly shaking her. "I'm gonna go talk to him" she said before leaving me to go to mystery man. He was hot so I applaud Katerina.

I down my shots then go to Charles and Arthur.They somehow had drinks already in their hand don't ask me how. "Hey I'm gonna go dance" I said then turn to leave before Arthur grabs my hand. "I'm coming with you" he said before putting down his drink and further leading me into the dance floor.

We began to dance and It was actually really fun. The alcohol was starting to kick in and I just got more touchy with Arthur. I mean we already kissed so why not? It was starting to get like really really- I need more shots.

"Come with me to get more shots" I say in his ear. He nods and we go and I order two for each of us. He pays and we both down them. Before we could go back though Charles comes up to RUIN THE FUN.
"It's 2 am let's go home" he says grabbing me. "What no everything just started" Arthur said grabbing me again.

"Nadia has somewhere to be tomorrow sorry I don't want her to be fucked up" he said slightly angry at Arthur. "Yeah and where does Nadia have to be" I say getting out of both of their grips. Literally what is it with grabbing me.

"Nadia you're drunk and it's late let's find Katerina and get home" he said sternly looking at me. But he has to stop pulling this protective boyfriend shit every time we go out. Now I've finally noticed I've never hooked up with anyone here because IVE BEEN COCKBLOCKED BY HIM.

"You know what Charles I'm a grown ass woman and if I want to stay I can, you don't control me" I said. "Don't do this" Charles said, "come home with me".

God he was so hot but literally I need to think with my brain right now and not my pleasure.

"No" I said before leaving both of them and going to the dance floor. I'm gonna find me that hot French-

"What do you want" I say continuing to dance but slightly pissed off, trying to make it not ruin my mood.

"Why do you do this to me" Charles sighing and grabbing my waist to dance with me.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, "thank you party pooper" I said.

He smiled back and gave me a twirl.

"You are so beautiful" he said after the twirl.
"Merci, c'est la robe" I said blushing.

"non c'est toi" he whispered, I heard and pretended to not. I can't do this with him. Arthur is easy and fun. But Charles is where I get down bad. And it's so hard for me not to tell him how I feel, to not kiss him so hard. To not stare into his gorgeous eyes and not get lost into them. To look away when he looks at me because I don't want him to catch me blushing just at his eye contact. I'm so in love with him, but he's someone else's not mine. And I'm afraid dancing with him is gonna make me do something I will regret.

"Let's go home" I whisper in his ear. "Are you sure, it's okay if we stay" he says. "I know, but I'm really feeling a movie with everyone right now" I smile.

He grabs my hand and gets out of the crowd before calling Arthur. And before I know it, Arthur is next to us with a drunk Katerina.

"NADIA THERE YOU ARE" she screams and hugs me. "Katerina" I start laughing, "where were you". We start walking outside while the boys stay ahead of us and get the car. "The bar guy and me danced like crazy and then we made out and then he busted out a backflip. I literally shit myself from laughing so much. It was kinda embarrassing though, so I left to find you guys, and turns out Arthur was looking for me to go home" she says. "But it was still really fun ugh" she cheerfully looks up at the night sky while holding onto my arm.

"Well I'm glad" I say while leaning my head on her.

Our car shows up and we pile in. "So what movie do you guys what to watch"

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