Little merch closets

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Finding Katerina was hard but not hard enough for a determined Me. Arthur was holding my hand as we both had a hat and sunglasses on. We were stalking Katerina and Austin while they were laughing it up. Katerina looked so happy I smiled. Arthur finally recognized Katerina and gasped.

"Oh my gosh, it's Katerina on a date" he whispered to me. I nodded, "they look so cute". He agreed and then got a phone call. While he hurriedly tried to turn it off his eyes widened.

"What happened" I said. He looked up, to find a spot to take the call and then responded, "uh I'll be right back don't move I have to take this". Then he left to a more secluded area. I was curious as to why he couldn't answer the phone in front of me. It's probably because it's too loud by the grandstands. I snapped a couple of pictures of Katerina on her date to tease her with and then began to wait for Arthur to come back. He was gone for about ten minutes until he came back in a rush.

"I have to go back to the paddock, do you want to come with" he said offering his hand. I said yes then we were off again. While we were walking back I decided to question. "Who called you" I said as he guided us through traffic.

"Uh Charles' girlfriend, she said she wasn't going to come to this race but of course she wanted to surprise Charles and now I have to let her in the Ferrari motor home" he said while rolling his eyes, "sorry we couldn't prank Katerina".

"It's okay" I said quietly as I took the information in. I really have the worst timing ever. Of course, one day after texting Charles I break up with my boyfriend because of the feelings I have for him. Only to find out he's dating someone. Why can't I ever do anything right, why can I never have him. Maybe it's a sign that we were never gonna be together, maybe it's just time I stop trying to be with him.

When we make it to the motorhome, a girl is standing there on her phone, she recognizes Arthur and waves. When we go up to her she hugs Arthur, and then looks at me.

"This is Nadia, my best friend" he says, "Nadia this is Caroline". She smiles, "oh how nice to meet you, Arthur talks about you all the time". She quickly hugs me while I respond, "nice to meet you too, I'm glad you could come". We finish introductions and Arthur precedes to let her into the motorhome. The race was gonna start in 20 minutes so the pits were hectic. Caroline went to the viewing area at the top saying she wanted to surprise Charles at the end of the race while me and Arthur decided to watch from Charles' garage. Arthur needed to use the restroom, so he pointed to where I needed to go.

When I got to the garage I took in all the people working and preparing for the start. I've never seen Charles race up close like this, and I feel horrible how I wasn't there to support him. I tear up a bit but quickly understand that I can't do this here. And then I see Charles come out to talk to his engineers and his boss. When he finishes he's about to put on his helmet before he sees me. He walks over and ruffles my hair.

"First Formula One race you are seeing in the paddock, are you excited" he says. "Of course, I can't wait to see Pierre win" I say back laughing. He slightly pushes me before grabbing a pair of headphones and putting them on me. "Well amateur you need these, the cars are loud" he said as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just go race" I said pushing him away. He chuckled before putting on his helmet to go into the car.

Arthur finally came to the garage and put on headphones right before Charles and his team left the garage to go out on track.

"Excited?" Arthur said while grabbing my shoulders. I nodded before going back to the screen to see the drivers doing their formation lap. Katerina texted me to tell me to say good luck to Charles, and finally the drivers were waiting for the countdown of the lights.

I held my breath as the last light when out and the cars began to race. Everything was exhilarating, with Charles overtaking Pierre at the first corner I mentally rolled my eyes. But seeing Charles race was making everything inside of the whole garage ecstatic, I was too. I smiled at the happiness in Ferrari. Arthur right next to me let out a big whoop whoop whenever Charles passed Pierre and continued to race Max for p2.

Max was a hard racer to pass and didn't really seem that Charles was gonna pass him without losing his tires, so he began to back off, but suddenly max began to slow down too and went off the track. When Max's radio came on he cursed and said the engine failed. Charles came on the radio to ask what happened to Max, and his engineer said his engine failed. With a safety car out, Charles could potentially get the lead of this race. He does have to fight Lewis Hamilton for it but everyone in the garage felt he could.

Finally the race restarted and Lewis and Charles started to battle. When Charles overtook Lewis, everyone started cheering. Me and Arthur were jumping up and down while we watched everyone go wild. Now he just needed to keep his place. Everyone started to calm down when Charles was called into the pits, and Lewis followed right behind him. Ferrari produced a perfect pit stop while Mercedes messed up with Lewis left rear. Again everyone started to cheer, it seemed today couldn't get any better. Charles went on to win the race, and the crowd went absolutely insane. Me and Arthur were also going insane but once we finally calmed down Arthur rushed me to the podium.

Once we were there Charles was there too hugging his team. It was so cute. Arthur called over Charles who turned around and went to hug him and then hugged me too. I patted his helmet and told him good job. He smiled and had to go to the interview he did before the podium ceremony.

Then came time for the ceremony, and I could see Charles without his helmet. He was smiling and sweaty, he looked exhausted but satisfied, and it the best look I have ever seen on him. I was smiling so hard my cheeks were starting to hurt but I didn't care. Charles was looking down at everyone, but when he made eye contact with me he held up 3 fingers and winked. I rolled my eyes at him because he was making fun of the fact that Pierre got P3 and he won. Once all the anthems and trophies were out, the campagne started spraying and we all got soaked. It was very inconvenient but me and Arthur did not care.

"Hey come with me" Arthur said before walking back to the Ferrari motorhome. He led me to a miniature room with a bunch of Ferrai merchandise. "So you don't have to wear wet clothes all day, let's get the best things before everyone comes in" he says before turning around to look for a shirt. Once he find one he takes off his shirt and puts it on. I widen my eyes and turn around, at this Arthur laughs at me.

"Whatever Nadia like you've never seen me shirtless" he says smirking. "Excuse me for having manners" I say before turning around to look for a shirt. He is behind me and grabs a shirt on the rack in front of me.
"I like this one" he says while I look at it. I nod while grabbing it and then turn around to face him. "What" he says confused. I put my hands on his waist and turn him around, "gosh Arthur".

I then take off my shirt while he exhales loudly, "I see no reason for the turning around".
"Amazing opinion" I say sarcastically putting on the Ferrari shirt. I then tap his shoulder to give him the all clear and he turns around.
"You should wear red more often" he says in a more quiet voice. I start to notice the small space we were in and how quiet it was here.

I look at Arthur while he looks back and me and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. With that he grabs me chin and bends down to kiss me. And I let him and kiss him back. It was slow and soft, and then started to pick up the pace after we both decided we were comfortable. He grabbed my waist with his other hand to pull me closer and I put my arms around his shoulders. But when we heard people down the hall close to the door we stopped, and hurriedly grabbed our things.

We slipped out the closet while laughing. "That was-" Arthur began to say but was cut off by Charles. "There you guys are" he said out of breath, " where were you guys". "Oh we were getting a change of clothes, we didn't want to be wet" Arthur said. Charles looked at my shirt and smiled, "I love your shirt" he said smugly. "It was the only thing available, trust me if I had-" I said before he hugged me. "You are my fan stop lying to yourself" he said in my ear. "Hmm more like you are mine" I said. He let go and responded, "that's true, what are you-" but alas Caroline decided to show up.

"Charles" she exclaimed while going to hug him. He was surprised and shocked. I then went back to Arthur, "wanna getta here" I said in a western accent. He chuckled before grabbing my hand as we went away from the couple.

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