Yeah leave it there

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I wake up to a snuggly Katerina and a bright sun outside the tent. That's when I remember we literally brought no food. Like not even a snack, just no food. We didn't even think about it because of the craziness of yesterday. Oh no, Katerina's gonna be pissed.

"Nadia" I hear Katerina's voice sound, then suddenly she sits up super fast, "WE DIDN'T BRING ANY FOOD".

"I was just thinking about that" I said while slamming my hand on my head.
"Well that was a short little trip" she says standing up and gathering her things.
"What" I said as she begun to basically pack up.
"I need food especially breakfast, I have to climb down this mountain immediately" she said.
"Well literally let's leave everything here except for our essentials because I do not want to carry all this down" I said while packing my stuff too.
She nodded and we begun our journey down.

It took a lot less time because we weren't being weighed down by our unnecessary items which I am grateful for.

When we finally made it inside my house, me and Katerina decided to make pancakes before my parents woke up.

"Live love laugh pancakes" Katerina said while eating her pancakes. I laughed and munched on mine while my parents suddenly came downstairs.

"Oh Nadia you are back, what happened" my mom said serving herself some pancakes too.
"We forgot food and decided it would be wise to just come back" I responded, "good morning" I smiled.
"Good morning mon bébé" she smiled at me.

I decided to turn on my phone and face the Leclerc's.

                Undisputed cup pong king 🥰🥰🥰

Charles: I need to talk to you please
Charles: You left to go camping?? Nadia please answer me
Charles: oh
Charles: you kissed Arthur? You were the girl he was talking about?
Charles: why didn't you tell me?

Fuck he knows, well I definitely didn't prepare for this.

                                 Arturd Leclerc

Arthur: So you like my brother huh😂 could've just told me.
Arthur: Now I look like an idiot thanks.

Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-

"KATERINA" I whispered screamed while I gave her my phone, "I screwed up so so bad". Her eyes widened as she read the texts.
"Fuck" she said and placed the phone down while we stared at each other.

What do I do. I mean I played them, well not really Charles but the fact that I was leading his brother on. I'm so messed up why did I think it was a good idea to get involved with them. I told myself ever since I was little that I would prioritize their friendship over a relationship with them. In only like a couple of days I fucked everything up.

"I'm calling Charles" I said getting up and going to my room. When I called him, he answered only it wasn't him but a girl. Gigi.

"Hello who is this" she said unknowing it was me.
"Oh hey gigi, it's Nadia" I said but was met with silence. I walked inside my restroom and closed the door.
"Oh Charles is busy he can't talk" she said quickly before she hung up.

So he's still with Gigi. He fucking kissed me while he was still with Gigi. Great fucking great. I started to quietly cry to myself and put my head in my knees. I'm such an idiot to think he probably felt something for me. He probably kissed me because it was like the heat of the moment or something. I can't do this.  

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I wiped my tears and started to pack a luggage. I'm going back to New York where I can't get my heart broken just by being in the presence of a person.

Katerina came in the room and saw me packing. When I looked at her she saw my red eyes and came closer to give me a hug. I cried on her shoulder for a bit before she started packing too. Once we were finished she put her arm into mine.

"Where too next" she smiled.
"Home" I smiled back.


Hi, super small chapitre sorry I Hope you guys like the book. 😍

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