Leclerc Residence

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I wake up and look around. I'm in my room but forgot how I got here...

Suddenly I see Katerina next to me snoring. I laugh a little before nudging her to wake up.

"Katerinaaaa sleeping beautyyy" I say to her. "Leave me alone" she says while putting a pillow over her head.

"How did we get home, I forgot everything after the club" I said while laying back down.
"Charles or whatever picked you up because you were dead ass asleep but basically they took us home, god I hate hangovers" she finished with a sigh.

Me, I don't really get hangovers I also choose to believe it's because I'm a tequila beast.

I get up and try to find my phone.
"Katerina, do you know where my phone is" I say while searching under the pillows and and under the bed.
"Charles put it on the charger, on your nightstand" she said, trying to get up.
"Oh", I get up and see it literally right there. How sweet of him.

When I open it I have a text from Charles and Arthur.

Undisputed cup pong KING 🥰🥰

Charles: Hope you had a nice night, I put your phone on the charger for you because it was dead when we got home. By the way the Sauber party starts at 6 today, but we'll talk more when you wake.

OH SHIT THAT. Okay no wonder, that was the event Charles was talking about. I definitely need an event dress for that.

                                 Arturd Leclerc

Arthur: I want to talk, can we have lunch around 12 together?

We needed to talk sooner rather than later, but oh my gosh have I been trying to avoid this. Whatever, I guess I'm going to the Leclerc Residence.

"Katerina", I say while looking at her and pleading with my eyes, "may we go shopping once again today".
She looked at me before saying "you never have to ask yes definitely", then she got up and went to take a shower.
"Okay I need to go talk to Charles real quick, and then I'll back" I said before changing real quick and putting on some shoes. She waved me off and I went downstairs.

My parents have this thing with working while on our vacation so they are not here most of the time. But it's okay because they trust me and we are pretty much locals here.

I knock on the door before walking in but when I walk in, I walk into Arthur.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't know it was you" he said making me steady.
"It's okay it's my fault, I literally have no idea why I knocked" I laughed awkwardly. God I hate this, it's not supposed to be awkward with Arthur.

"Are you here to talk" he said going to the fridge to grab a water.
"Uh yeah, kind of, I need to talk to Charles" I said standing there. Like why am I standing here. I quickly sit on the couch. I look over at him and he's about to laugh at my attempt of not being awkward.

"Okay?, uh did you get my text" he said coming to sit next to me and turn on the tv.
"Yup, and I agree or like I mean yes, like you know I'll eat lunch with you" I word vomit. I hate myself omf- "okay I guess it's a date" he says while smiling at the tv.

So I am lost in translation. "Wha-", "what's a date" Charles says while walking in and cutting me off.
"We need to talk about something, so we are getting lunch this afternoon" Arthur says while Charles sits on the other side of me.

He just got out of the shower, and smells so good. I might actually smell like shit because I have not showered yet, this was supposed to be a quick thing though.

"Oh" Charles says while looking at me. "Yeah anyways I came to talk to you, wanna go upstairs real quick" I say while getting up and walking towards that way.

"Okay" he says and hurriedly comes with me. Once we get to his room. I plop on his bed, and he does the same.

"Thank you for charging my phone and taking me & Katerina home, last night was hectic" I said glancing over at him.
"Of course, did you get my text?" He says while looking at me.
"Yup, what time do you want to head over there, and what is like the attire supposed to be worn" I said.
"Well I have to get there a little early for some small talk but it's mostly evening casual, I'll pick you up at 5?" He said back to me.

Considering I have that type of clothes I should be fine now. "Cool cool cool, I'll be ready" I said smiling. Maybe it's the right type to ask why he chose me to go with him and not Gigi.

"Hey, pure curiosity", I said while chuckling, "uh why aren't you taking gigi to the Sauber party". He looked at me before sitting up and grabbing my hands so I could sit up.

"Well because you've been there for all of my career, and I know she understands she's been there for a fraction of it" he says explaining.

I understand where he is coming from, but...

"Are you doing this to pay for when you made you come to your race in like Spain and no one else was there except for me and it rained like crazy but you made me stay, and after it all I said you owe me" I squinted while questioning him.

He smiled and looked at me with his puppy eyes, "maybe...." He said.

"Well, I guess payment accepted" I said before getting up. "You smelling really good right now is making me jealous because I need to shower, so I have to go, but I'll see you tonight" I winked.

Before I could leave he stopped me. "Wait, I just wanted to know too, what was Arthur saying you guys had to talk about" he said.


"Oh just little things" I mumbled.
"What" he said, but I ran away and yelled back "I'll explain later".

Arthur was still on the couch and I waved to him before running back home. When I closed the door a wave of relief rushed through me.

I have 3 hours before I go through another awkward experience today, great once again.

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