Dance avec moi

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"Katerina, I was drunk" I said while Katerina ignored me still while straightening her hair. I rolled my eyes at her silent treatment. "I promise you if I was in my right mind I would've texted you to come back from your date and help me, there I said it" I said while she finally looked over and smiled at me.

"Im still mad that I wasn't there for the break up text because I would've popped a bottle of champagne, but you're finally FREE" Katerina says while hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back.

Jack was an absolute asshole about the whole situation just blabbing about everything he's ever done for me and given to me, and how he could've put more attention into way better people than me. I immediately blocked him. Katerina almost made me unblock him to curse him off but I told her to be the bigger person. She's getting ready for her little Formula One date with the guy aka Austin. Yeah his name is Austin and he lives in Austin, Katerina has been talking about this every single minute since I've been with her. She says it's fate.

"After the race, we meet up to go to the afterparty to celebrate your breakup and also a newly published article for Vogue" she says excitedly. I nod my head and put on my outfit for the race.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee then head down to the paddock to get breakfast" I say before me and Katerina say our goodbyes and I walk to a coffee shop. At the coffee shop, I meet this kind older woman who says her little niece is making her get an iced coffee and we converse a little.

In the line I ask if she could take a photo of me, and she does saying she loves my boots. I smile at the compliment and think of Katerina.

I tell her I'll pay for her coffee and she thanks me before we both part our own ways

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I tell her I'll pay for her coffee and she thanks me before we both part our own ways. I get an Uber and head to the track, and god is there an enormous amount of traffic.

When I finally get dropped off I head over to the small food trucks there and get a small breakfast sandwich, which was absolutely delicious. Then I go over to some tables and sit down and start to take note of everyone's outfit. Most people are wearing merchandise for their favorite teams and paring it with some shorts. It is hot here so I understand the shorts move.

"Nadia Catalina Lavigne" I hear someone say.
I turn around and it's Arthur Leclerc.

He starts to jog to me and picks me up from my table to hug me.
"Je pense que je te déteste" he says while squeezing me. I laugh and hug him back.
"I'm so sorry I've been busy" I said smiling while he put me down.
"Excuses excuses, I don't want to hear it" he says then grabs my hand and takes me with him to the paddock.
"I've missed you so much do you know how much time I had to spend with Charles in the summer because you weren't there, let me just tell you we are very bored of each other and summer is the only time we can have fun" he says scanning his pass and I scan mine.
"Yeah my summers have been filled with work, I miss Monaco" I said truthfully because seeing Arthur just gave me all the memories to realize I was stupid to ever want to leave that place and the people.
Finally we reach Ferrari's hospitality and we walked inside with Arthur bringing me as his guest because I didn't have a Ferrari pass. Then we sat down while he grabbed my hands.
"I'm sorry for everything that happened that last summer we saw each other, I hated myself because I feel as if you ignored all of us because of what I said-" he started to say but I cut him off.
"Arthur no it's not your fault at all, I was just stupid and took everything I had for granted. In no way do I want you to blame yourself for my actions, and I'm so sorry I did that to you guys" I said.

We hugged again and I wiped a small tear before we started to talk about our lives since I left. He finally is racing in the Ferrari Driver Academy and I told him about my job at Vogue. He then started to talk all about fashion and how he's actually a fashion expert. We started to laugh about that, and I realized this was what I needed from the stress of my everyday life. Arthur and his fun stories and how he never fails to make me laugh.

"So have you seen Charles" Arthur says because the race is gonna start in two hours.
"No, not yet" I say looking at my hands.
"We'll do you want to, I think I could find him" he says grinning.
I smile before thinking about it, "yeah sure I want to see him".

With that we get up and look around for him. We are going fast around the paddock getting to the Ferrari pit and the Arthur runs into a tire while I laugh so hard. He gets up and puts the tire back to where it was and then grabs my hand again to run to find Charles. We finally find his trainer and he tells Arthur Charles is prepping a bit before the race, and is in his driver room.

We finally make it to Charles' room and Arthur knocks and says in a high voice, "hello brother may I come in". I slightly push his shoulder for the dumb voice and he laughs before Charles opens the door rolling his eyes. Once he sees me he quickly hugs me too. I hug him back and close my eyes because of the comfort I remember from his scent.

"Mon Nadia" he whispers. "Caché dans ta chambre?" I say when we let go. He ruffled my hair before grabbing my hands and putting them over his shoulders.

"Arthur play a song" he says while I laugh at his attempts. Arthur is so confused but gives in and plays Sh-boom by the Chords. Charles starts to dance with me fast while I try to keep up and fail miserably to. But he keeps me upright while he's basically dragging me around the room and I'm hysterically laughing.

"Charles what are you doing" I said as we almost fall over his charging chord. "I need to dance with you to beat Pierre in todays race" he said, "how many songs did you dance with him".
"Like two" I said.
"Now we have to dance to three" he huffed, but continued to smile and pull me along. Arthur began to switch up random songs and play as our little dj until we finally hit three songs. He also joined in on a little dancing.

We let go of each other and sit down next to Arthur.
"I have to get ready for the race" Charles sighed. I nodded and me and Arthur stood up. "Come visit after?" Charles said standing up to walk us out. "Hmm I'll see if you fit into my schedule" I grinned. He smiled too before giving me a kiss on the cheek and Arthur a hug.

As me and Arthur left, I was blushing like hell. So I quickly slapped my cheeks from showing my emotions. Arthur laughed at me while confused. "Why the slapping" he said while slapping his, I guess to see why I did it.

"I don't know it felt right at the time" I said making a random excuse as always. "Arthur let's go bother someone real quick" I said while leading him to Katerina's seat in the grandstand.

"Wait who" he said but still followed me when I didn't respond.

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