It's the climb

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"You know this is probably one of the worst ideas you have ever had in your life" Katerina said while slowly climbing up the mountain. She was out of breath and I was too considering the activity we were partaking in. But I needed to do this. So I huffed and continued to climb.

"You know avoiding something isn't going to make it better, I'm basically giving you free therapy" she said again.
"Katerina, I thought we agreed not to talk about it" I said getting more motivation to climb up this stupid big freaking mountain.
"I didn't mention it, you did" she said still exhausted.

I ignored her and looked at the top, we were so close so I started going faster. I needed to sit down. Once I finally got there I almost cried. It took like 1 and 30 minutes to climb up this stupid mountain. But oh my god was the view worth it. After a couple of minutes Katerina plopped right next to me catching her breath and looking at the view.

"Wow" she said amazed, "maybe this wasn't such a bad idea".
"Let's set up camp", I said getting up and starting to read the instructions for the tent. Of course, I have never set up a tent before so this is gonna be a little hard. Also I've only went camping once in my life, and it was of course with the Leclerc's so the boys  set up the tent, not me unfortunately.

"We should've brought a smaller tent" Katerina said while we tried to put this one together.
"We know how claustrophobic we both would get though" I said finishing my side.
"True" she said finishing her last part too, "what if we get eaten by a bear".
"Katerina there is no bears in Monaco", I rolled my eyes but then started to wonder, was there?

"Anyways let's unpack our stuff and relax" I said getting in the tent.
"Damn straight" she said laying down on her air mattress.
We brought so much stuff that's why it took us so long to climb, I almost considered having my dad call a helicopter to fly us up here. But we made it and probably worked out as much as we needed for a whole year.

I laid on my bed next to hers and was about to fall asleep when Katerina spoke again.
"You know, you should tell them your up here" she said referring to the brothers.
"They can ask my parents" I said closing my eyes.
She rolled over to face me while I tried to ignore her very pulling eyes.

I finally ughed and looked over at her.
"I know I promised not to talk about it, but I think we should definitely talk about it" she said caringly.

After Charles kissed me, I literally ran inside and freaked out quietly in my bathroom because Katerina was asleep in my bed. After that I couldn't sleep, so I pulled an all nighter searching up spots to camp in Monaco. The next morning I gave Katerina a slight debrief and then made her promise to not talk about it and forced her to camp with me. This was me trying to run away from the situation then face it head on because I was scared. Both Charles and Arthur have called me over and over again. But I turned off my phone and I am living off the grid for two days, because I cannot stand more than two days. I told my parents of course that I was camping but not exactly why.

"I mean after this little trip, you are gonna have to face them again, it's better to know how to approach it then be absolutely clueless" Katerina said getting me out of my thoughts.

She's always so right.

"Fine" I said while she did a little clap.

"So let's start off with the basics, why did you run away when Charles kissed you" she said not starting off with the basics.

"I don't know why I ran, I guess because I never knew Charles "liked" me like that and I got overwhelmed, also because I thought he had a girlfriend and I did not want to be that girl" I said truthfully. Growing up Charles has never been interested the way I've been interested in him. I guess well I never have noticed it.

"Well have you asked him if he's still with Gigi, I mean Arthur did say they had a huge fight, it was basically over you too" she said eyeing me.
"It was because he didn't invite her" I said correcting her.
"Because he wanted to invite you" she said with a duh tone. She's probably right about that too.

I groaned before slamming my face in the pillow.
"But hey, you've been in love with this boy forever and he definitely likes you back, I call that a win" Katerina said.

"But also what about Arthur, I mean I just lead him on and how do I tell him that I've been in love with his brother this whole time" I say sad about how Arthur might feel. I mean I'm a literal bitch for doing him like this and literally kissing his brother not even 24 hours after he kissed me.

"God Katerina I'm an idiot idiot idiot idiot-"
"Let's stop doing that" she said while laughing at me.
"Arthur is your best friend before he is some type of boytoy, he has to understand that you love him as your best friend" she said focusing back on the conversation.
"I hate the word boytoy" I said while cringing.

"So let's practice, I'm Arthur you are you" she said while sitting up and facing me.
"Okay", I said while questioning her tactics.

She went into her best Arthur face and started, "YOU BITCH YOUVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH MY BROTHER THIS WHOLE TIME" she screamed at me and we both immediately start dying of laughter.

She then got up into my bed and we cuddled together.
"I love you so much Katerina" I said.
"I love you too" she said back as we both fell asleep.

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