Do it do it do it do it

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Guys today was so infuriating, I had a breakdown for like two hours because of that race. I don't even know if Charles can win the championship now. But anyways thank you guys for reading 🙏🙏🙏

"Do it, I say yes" Charles said before I could explain everything. "You haven't even heard me say everything yet" I chuckle. "I heard you and Katerina traveling with F1 around the world for your work and that's I needed to hear, I'll get you a VIP pass right now if you need it" he said seriously.

I roll my eyes, "Charles I would be there for Vogue, they would get me a media pass".
"Nadia this is gonna be so amazing if this happens" he starts saying his eyes lighting up. "I know but we would probably start for the 22 season not this one, just to top it off you know" I said as he nodded.
"That's okay there's only five races left, and besides next season our car is supposed to be very fast, so I would rather you come when I win a ton of races" he says smirking, while I sip my water.

"Sure sure Charles" I say as the waiter comes with our food. When he leaves I almost lunge into my food because I just realized how starving I am. "I'm gonna text Pierre your idea because he wanted to ask Katerina out but afraid they would not see each other much because of our schedule, but now that you are in our schedule...." He said raising his eyebrows while putting up his phone.

"Nothing confirmed I still have to text my boss the idea and get everything planned" I said waving my finger. He smiled before continuing to text Pierre. "Wait hey Charles I swear to god if Pierre hurts Katerina I will kick his ass" I say remembering I'm supposed to be a protective best friend.

"I doubt it he likes her too much, surprising if you ask me they barely know each other" he says eating his food. "She likes him a lot too especially for only really meeting him yesterday" I said thinking about it. "What if they're soulmates" I say twirling my pasta. "Now you have two reasons to come next year, for Pierre and Katerina, and me" he smiles.

"And my job goose" I say eating my food. "Using me Nadia" he says pretending to be offended. "You wish Leclerc" I say finishing my food and putting my plate to the side. And putting my arms crossed on the table moving forward. "But I will admit I want to use you to get gelato" I say smiling at him.

"Whatever you want" he says.

He pays for dinner and then we walk around until we find a gelato shoppe. He orders chocolate and I order mango and pay for our gelato. Then we leave and walk around eating our gelato.

It's nighttime and the domain is so lively, I walk slower so I can get a picture of Charles from behind with the view of the domain. I smile looking at the picture and he looks behind at me.

"Hey what are you doing" he says coming up to me and looking at my phone. "Oh la la sneaking photos of me for instagram" he smirks at me. I bump his shoulder, "I'm keeping this for myself" I say closing my phone.

We continue to talk and walk around a bit before I look at the time, and decide I need to get some rest for traveling tomorrow. "I have an early flight tomorrow, so I might need to go home now" I say as we pass by a playground. He sighs before agreeing and we walk back to the motorcycle.

With there being no rain the ride on the motorcycle was much more windy. I was still holding onto Charles but let go with one hand to feel the wind. It shocked me how strong it was so I yelped and grabbed onto Charles again. He started laughing at me and I hit his shoulder.

I lead him towards my hotel and he stops in front of the lobby. I get off putting the helmet in the seat's storage compartment. He too takes off his helmet.

"Okay well I'll see you when I see you Leclerc" I say smiling before walking away.

"Wait Nadia" he says getting of the motorcycle and rushing to me. "Yeah" I say as he's in front of me. He runs his hand through his hair then sighs, "just let's keep in contact yeah?".

I give him a hug, "yes".
He hugs me back before we say goodbye and I walk in the lobby, turning around to see him waving and smiling from the motorcycle. I wave back and head to my room.

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