Elvis who?!

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The next night couldn't come fast enough! You were eager to finally hear who all the girls at school including your own best friends were all going crazy over. "The Elvis song-a-thon starts in 15 minutes!" Sylvia said bouncing on her seat in Diane's beetle from excitement. You nodded. "Oh, and don't forget. Saturday, five pm! Elvis time!" Diane said with a slight excited screech. You laughed. "I wouldn't dare!" You teased, putting on your best Vivian Leigh voice and fake fainting. Both giggled. "Hurry!" Sylvia urged Diane. "I still have to pick up my baby brother." Diane crossed her arms. Sylvia huffed and hopped out with you. "And where do you think you're going? Don't your parents expect you home?" Diane asked. Sylvia shrugged. "But Elvis is gonna be on, I'm not gonna miss that. especially with your extra stop before home...and I wanna see y/n's reaction to him!" She giggled and Diane gave an approving smile. "Bye ladies, see you tomorrow." Diane waved as she drove off. Sylvia gave you a look and grabbed your hand, racing you both inside and upstairs to your room. "Girls, now don't you be too loud. Your sister is taking her nap!" Your mom warned and you both waved acknowledging hands, hurrying your way into the room and shutting the door. You both burst out into childish giggles and sat next to your radio. "Quick Ellie! They're gonna start the Elvis song-a-thon any second!" Sylvia hurried as you turned the dial until the static was minimal on the station. "Wait wait, shh." Sylvia hushed as the announcers voice came through. "Hey all you cool cats out there. We have a special one going on tonight. In honor of Elvis Presley coming to town, here's non stop all you can handle Elvis song-a-thon! So shake rattle and roll those hips for four straight hours starting with his latest hit, Hound Dog!" And with that the song started and his deep, raspy voice filled the room. Sylvia shrieked with excitement and jumped up, starting to twist to the music. You joined her, listening to his voice and all throughout the next hour his songs mesmerized you. "I told you y/n, his voice is a dream." Sylvia swooned and sat near the bay window and fumbled through her nap sack. "Ah-ha. Here, do you want one?" Sylvia stretched out a cigarette. You knew what they were, because father would have them out in the backyard after work on stressful days. "Sylvi, since when do you smoke?" You asked, surprised at your usually good two shoes friend. "Apparently Elvis does." She giggled. "Plus, I saw the greaser ladies in the ladies room at school. Everyone is doing it." She offered it again and you took it hesitantly and brought it to your lips. "You just inhale slightly and then push it out." She advised. You did as she instructed and then suddenly had a major coughing fit. "Here, come near the window with it." She scooted over and before you knew it you weren't coughing anymore after each longer and longer drag. With Elvis' voice and one of your best friends here, you forgot about the world around you going by. "Y/N!" Your mother's voice interrupted the smoking and dancing and you quickly turned the volume down and tossed the cigarette out the window into the bushes down below the window. "It's getting late, turn that racket down!" She yelled and walked away from the door. "I guess I better go if I'm gonna catch the next hours of Elvis." Sylvia sighed and gathered her books and bag and headed downstairs. As soon as she left you turned the volume up slightly, hearing his sweet voice sing a soft ballad now. This new experience of Elvis and smoking filled you with excitement that you hadn't had before. You laid on your bed and closed your eyes. His voice was truly something else and you were now eager to put the face to the name and voice.

The following day meant you were halfway through the week and almost to the day you would go see Elvis. Your excitement was boiling to the top and you couldn't help but get his angelic voice out of your head. You were hooked and you didn't even know what he looked like. Lunch at school was especially fun, while Sylvia and you, finally had something in common, raved about your newfound interest in Elvis and his songs and even took a few smoke breaks with the greaser ladies in the restroom. She knew a lot more than you did and clearly had done her research. She rambled on and on about useless facts, as you daydreamed about this mystery man and took a few long drags, leaning against the sink. Saturday couldn't come quick enough, that's for sure.

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