Any Way You Want Me

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You both fell back into the same rhythm being back together just so happened you were in a whole different country across an ocean. Elvis felt at home. He held you close as you both, laid on his bed in his private house he rented off base. You were exhausted, the jetlag hitting you like a ton of bricks and Elvis had already had a long day of running watch with his brigade. You had never actually been in any bed with him, which made this feel even more adventurous, but at the same time it felt natural. It felt right. You snuggled into the nook of his arm as he casually stroked your back. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked as you let your mind wander. "Just thinking about how much has happened since we first met." You said honestly. You were surprised honestly at the mere fact that a nationwide celebrity like him would still keep you around. "We've come a long way." He smiled softly. "You have come a long way E." You say incredulously. "Oh, and I suppose you don't think being a published writer causes need for being proud?" He poked your side with one of his fingers, making you squirm slightly. "What, oh God you read one of my articles?" You ask, slightly embarrassed, knowing it was most likely one that was heavily edited by Sam. "Yes, it was good. The one about the rising gas prices was perfect!" He teased and I stuck my tongue out. "You're such a smart ass." You giggle and he smirks. "My, your language is more colorful than last time we talked." He chuckled. "Oh, and yours is perfect? I've heard how G.I's talk once they deploy." You say. He chuckles and nods in agreement. In truth you both had changed a lot and Elvis knew it. He felt more mature in ways after enduring the death of his mama and a foreign country all in the matter of two years and you certainly learned more once you started your internship. "I've definitely matured more than you." You say, attempting to boost your ego. "You certainly have my dear." He smirks and turns to you. One hand slowly sliding along your side. It makes its way to your newly rounded breasts, as opposed to the flatter ones that had been present before. Your breath caught at his touch, surprised at his advance on you. "I trust you." You say through a soft breath. He slowly kisses you and continues to deepen it, allowing him to go further than you both had ever gone before. You both gave in to the tension that had built over the time apart and years together. He wanted you as much as you wanted him. Thirty minutes had passed and you were completely stripped down breathing heavily. You had no idea what your first time would be like let alone who it would be with. Hearts would break if they knew it was with Elvis Presley that's for sure. You wrap yourself up in the sheets, Elvis pulling you into his body. "Y/n." He says, barely audible. You close your eyes and feel his hands start to explore your body. You can't help, but allow him in once more. The love making with him was quick and passionate both times and you couldn't help but smile afterwards. Soft snores escaped him as he clearly had worn himself out. You echoed his exhaustion with a yawn and wrapped your arms around him happily falling asleep, dreamlessly, as you were truly living your dreams right now.

The bright sunlight streamed through the dimly lit room, allowing your natural alarm clock to wake you up. You yawned and stretched beside Elvis as he still slept heavily beside you. It was clearly late in the afternoon. You had both slept in late. You slowly unwrap yourself from his grasp and look around for your clothes strewn across the room. Quickly dressing, you decide to explore the place Elvis was calling 'home'....making your way down the narrow staircase across from his room. You could hear soft voices in the kitchen, one you recognized. Joe Esposito, Elvis' right hand and who ran the MGM office and someone you briefly encountered before he had been deployed. He was short in stature and had big curly black hair. He stood up and opened his arms. "Y/n! You came!" You gave him a hug, he was almost your height at a short five foot four. You took a step back and he gestured to the man sitting across from him. "Y/n, this is Charlie Hodge..." The taller man in uniform stood up and put out his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you. I was with E.P in basic training in Fort Hood." He introduced with a thick Texas accent. "Oh, I think he had mentioned you before." You recall a brief phone call with him telling jokes in the background. "Nice to meet you and Joe, so good to see you. How has everything been?" You inquire and take a seat. Charlie grabs you a cup of coffee and you take it happily. "Oh, same old E. Funny bastard with a love of music. He's definitely eager to get back to the stage when he gets back to the states." Joe says. You nod and sip the hot black coffee. You definitely didn't blame Elvis for feeling that way and was sure it was killing him to not be in the lights. It was where he always seemed truly happy. "But the Colonel says he has something lining up for then so hopefully we'll be back on the road." Joe said. He loved and cared about Elvis and always wanted what was best for him which made you love Joe like he was a big brother. You then heard heavy footsteps slowly creep down the stairs and knew instantly he was up. "Hey E.P!" Charlie stood up and pulled out a chair for Elvis as he sauntered in his robe, gave you a kiss on your forehead, and took his seat. "Oh, so guess what? There admiral and his daughter are coming in tonight and so there's gonna be a get together. Yall want to go?" Charlie piped up after a few moments of silence. "I suppose. Any chance I can take to have this pretty little thing on my arm." Elvis said, giving you a smirk. Making your insides tingle. "Looks like we have a party to get ready for boys...and lady." Joe said and we all smiled excited for the night ahead.

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