Let It Be Me

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May 1st, 1967

It was national headlines and you had the unfortunate task of writing the article. That was the thing about your return and people's knowledge. They knew you had been close to the King himself and so you started receiving the articles, having to write about every momentous occasion in his life without you. It was only a small twinge of pain, but painful nonetheless, but you had your own momentous occasion to think of. "Darling, are you almost finished with writing that piece?" His voice came up behind you. Sam Brown wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek softly. You giggled at the public display of affection, something you had never been embarrassed with Elvis, but with Sam your relationship dynamic was different. He had seen your ups and downs with Elvis and yet stuck by your side. He was a true friend and there were times when you thought that's all it could be even when he popped the question. Your feelings weren't strong, but he was kind and you had forced yourself to move on with your life. "Yeah, I still don't like how it sounds, but it's ready." You say and shove the article in your completed pile. "We're doing dinner tonight with Diane and Sylvia still?" Sam asked. His warm voice tickling your ear as he kept whispering and holding you. "Yes, yes, honey not here..." You say and turn around pushing him away. "Sorry, I'm excited to tell them about our big news." He smiled from ear to ear. You couldn't help but smile with him. He was like a golden retriever, there pleasing you at every corner and he absolutely adored you, which felt good, but at nights there were times when you'd dream of your previous life. It makes you feel guilty of even thinking back to then while Sam is with you or making love with you, but you couldn't help it. Today though, of all days you didn't want to think of him or them, or any aspect of what they were doing today. You wanted to just go out with Sam and your best friends and drown out the lingering thoughts and feelings that would pop up whenever you wrote an article about him. 

You end up at one of your favorite bars, surrounded by the people you loved. Sylvia and Diane hadn't changed much except for being a little older and wiser and Sylvia was finally settled down and popping out kids left and right with her new husband. Diane was a workaholic, which always suited her, working as an assistant in an attorney's office. "Cheers to the future Browns!" Diane says and raises her martini. You raise your glass of Jack Daniels. You had switched and were more prone to drinking whiskey now, whether that was an Elvis trait you kept, you liked how it stung whenever you drank it. Sylvia lifted her water and giggled, holding her growing belly. "Who the hell would have thought I wouldn't be drinkin' at my best friend's engagement party!" She rubbed it affectionately and you all cheered. "Oh, and I guess cheers to Elvis and Priscilla, huh!" Diane said, met my eyes and then covered her mouth. You shoot the rest of your jack, hoping it would numb the twinge you just felt at the mention of their names. "I'm so sorry y/n." She apologized quickly. "No, it's fine." You say, attempting to dismiss your feelings. Sam rubs his hand on your back and you move away slightly at his touch. "No, really, he still sends telegrams to us." Sam perked up. You nod slightly. You hate that he tries to communicate to you, but luckily he seemed to stop especially as the wedding day had approached. "It's fine, really. Besides, I have my own wedding to start planning." You say and smile lifting your ring finger, showing it off. The girls coo and oh-ah at it and you continue the rest of the night, throwing back drinks until you forget about him. "I l-l-loveee you....b-b-bay." You slurred as Sam led you into your apartment. "I know, here, lay down." He quickly makes you a place on the couch and brings a bucket in case of any mishaps. "I d-don't even think of that bastard. W-what's his face? H-his name..." Sam furrows his eyebrows with concern at the state you're in. He was used to it. When Elvis announced his engagement, you got drunk enough to skinny dip with Sam. He announced the day of the wedding? You got buzzed and said yes to Sam. His wedding day, you tell your friends. It was a toxic cycle. "H-he's an asssssshole. Fuck Elvis!" You slurred and then got in a fit of giggling. "I h-have fucked him. I f-f-fucked Elvis. Oh god..." You could feel the gurgle in the pit of your stomach. It rose in your throat and you knew as soon as the wave of nausea what was coming and thankfully, so did Sam. He took your hair back as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the wastebasket, instantly regretting your drinking, but you knew there would probably be more regret in the morning once Sam reminds you what you had said. 

The phone rang loudly. He looked over at your still body as you slept practically dead to the world. Sam stood from the loveseat, stretching at the uncomfortable sleeping arrangement and answered the phone. "Y/n's residence." He answered. "Sam?" He had immediately recognized the voice. How could he not have? It was very distinct, deep with a slight twang. "What do you want?" He asked, frustrated by his unexpected call. "I'm sorry man. I really just, well I...I wanted to say..." Sam grew jealous, "She's marrying me, Elvis." He said, cutting off the Elvis Presley. He felt a momentary rise of accomplishment. "Oh. Well...I wanted...I just wanted to invite yall to my show. Colonel has it all lined up around this time next year," He quickly said before Sam had the chance to hang up. "Thank you. Congratulations on your wedding by the way." Sam, shot back and hung up. His jealousy overpowered him, as he looked back at you. Asleep and oblivious to everything, much to Sam's delight. He came back over and sat on the edge of the couch, placing a hand on your back. "Morning sleepy head." He smiled and said softly, leaning down to kiss your cheek. Your eyes flutter slowly. Your dream had been interrupted right at the moment Elvis would have...well either way you were not happy with being awoken and your stomach barked with the pain you had put it threw and your head had no trouble reminding you either. "Damn." You curse and then look up to meet Sam's eyes. "S-sorry." You say with a raw voice. "Shh, it's okay. I'll make you breakfast and then we can spend the day watching I Love Lucy." He said. You smiled at the thought of a lazy day. "Bacon, extra crispy please." You requested...another Elvis favorite you picked up on naturally. "Anything for my honey." Sam said and went to the kitchen. You watch as he starts your breakfast and can't help but recall hearing a faint conversation towards the end of your dream, something about Elvis apparently, but you forget about it as soon as the steaming pile of eggs and bacon is placed in front of you and you scarf it down. Sam watched as you ate hungrily and grew prideful of his ability to keep you from harms way.  

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