All Shook Up

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He truly was an amazing performer. Different than any singer you had ever seen in your life, but he captured the audience with every word and every swing of his hips. You felt a warmth on your face the more you looked, but you couldn't help yourself at that point. After his performance though, he did something not many artists would do; He went through the crowd hugging each girl he passed by, some even trying to steal kisses. It made you embarrassed for him. A bunch of girls throwing themselves at a man. You could never. "C'mon y/n!" Sylvia grabbed your arm and pulled you in the line of Elvis. He quickly came up to both of you. He noticed you immediately, although there were alot of beautiful girls around him, and what guy wouldn't love that...still something about you was different and he wanted to test that. Sylvia shamelessly threw her arms around his waist and he quickly hugged her and pulled back, giving her a friendly smile and then, once again his blue eyes caught yours. He smirked slightly and then went in for a quick peck on your cheek. You gasped and blushed deeply. You had only ever received kisses on your cheek from your father. As he pulled away, his eyes stayed on your face, like he was waiting for some expected reaction. He definitely knew you weren't like the other girls. You seemed to treat him like a normal person...of course intrigued by his looks, but he knew somehow that you wouldn't be crazy like the others. His eyebrows furrowed and then he leaned in close enough to where you felt his warm breath tickle the inside of your ear. "Meet me around back and show me around." He said, more like ordered. He needed to see you see if what he felt was what you were feeling too. You nodded mindlessly and he quickly was whisked away by the rest of the crowd. "Y/n! What did he tell you?!" Sylvia asked, practically screaming with excitement in your ear, over the screaming girls. "Oh, nothing. He said I looked pretty." You lied, unexpectedly. You didn't know why you felt the need to hide your invitation from your best friends, but you felt like this was meant to be your time alone with Elvis. "Oh, what a dream!" She swooned. "Come on, my parents said I have to leave as soon as he's done." Diane said, walking up behind you. "Oh, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight." Sylvia said giggling. "You two go ahead. My mama said I can grab a bite and she'll pick me up after that." You lied again. "Alrighty, well, hey...sleepover soon, okay?" Diane said and you returned her offer with a smile, parting ways in the still crowded cabaret.

It took a moment to get to the back of the venue, the first place you locked eyes, but you made it and without many suspicious eyes nonetheless. You hear the chatter out front slowly die down until it was only a soft murmur. Then footsteps approached. You looked up nervously and suddenly stood alone in front of Elvis. Sweat dripped down his flawless face, obviously showing how much he had physically out into his performance. He smiled softly and yet looked totally surprised. "I'll have to admit, I didn't think you'd come." He said his deep voice wrapping you around every word. "Y-yes, of course I would." You said nervously. "You're cute....and that dress." He took in a deep breath. "What was your name little mama? I don't think I caught it before." He asked. "Y/n." You managed to stutter out. "Nice to meet you." He put out his hand and you slowly met his hand and shook. He held on for longer than needed and then you both pulled back standing in silence. The front of the cabaret had been emptied and it was quiet enough to practically hear how fast your heart was beating. "So will you show me around town while I'm here?" He asked breaking the silence. "I suppose I can. I'm actually born and raised here." You said, letting out a hint of your Texas accent. "Perfect. Where to first?" He asked. "I have the perfect spot...but my ride actually left..." You trailed off forgetting that you didn't have transportation. "That's not a problem, I have my Cadillac." He offered. Your eyes obviously showed a bit of skepticism and he laughed...his laugh was low and contagious. You smiled nervously. "Come on baby." He said and led you out the exit. You hadn't ever seen the area behind the venue. It was a gravel parking lot and several cars parked along the walls but one stood out like a sore thumb. A bright pink Cadillac. "That's your car?" You ask incredulously. He laughed again, leading you to the passenger side of the car and opening the door. "Yes, all mine." He smiled and gestured for you to get it. "Thank you." You said with a smile and took a seat inside. The inside was black leather and felt cool against your hot skin. You were surprised at how easily you agreed to go off with a man you had just met, but you felt like you knew him and not just because of his music and he practically screamed adventure and mystery...your writer's heart couldn't resist. He hopped in the drivers seat and looked over, awaiting your instructions.

You ended up guiding him to one of your favorite places in town. You knew it would look amazing with the full moon that night. He found parking close to a large staircase etched into what appeared to be a giant, wooded hill. Elvis quickly hopped out and went around to open your door once more and you stepped out. "Up here..." You trailed off gesturing for him to follow you up the stairs and you led him up what felt like an endless amount of steps until you saw the big familiar Boulder with the name of the location etched on it. "Mount Bonn-ALL?" He asked, clearly pronouncing it incorrectly. You giggled slightly. "Mount Bonn-ELL." You said correcting him. "It's the best view of the lake and city." You said walking over to the ledge and sat on one of the large rocks. He took his place next to you, his shoulder brushing up against yours. The moonlight touched the water way down below and you could make out the few tall buildings signaling the location of Austin. Elvis took in the sights, looking all along the horizon and then met your eyes. Elvis studied your every feature. You were even more beautiful to him under the light of the moon. He could see the freckles that lined the bride of your nose and the dimples that appeared whenever you smiled. He was as wrapped up into you as you were in him. His blue eyes looked like they had a small hint of green up close. His full lips curled into a soft smile. "So tell me all about yourself. I want to know everything." He said and positioned himself where he was facing you head on. "Well, I was born and raised here. I have a younger sister, she's...five years old now, not in primary school yet, but next hear she will be. I just graduated high school though....oh how old are you?!" You asked suddenly and then put your hand over your mouth after your nervous rambling and inappropriate question. "I'm so sorry, that's rude of me." You apologized. He chuckled and shook his head. "No it's fine. I'm twenty two." He said. Your heart suddenly started pounding faster. He was older and that for some reason felt different than when you would talk to the boys your age. "Oh....I'm seventeen." You said. He nodded and took your hand. "You don't have to be nervous around me." He said softly. His voice soothed your racing pulse. You griped his hand slightly, feeling how strong they were from probably years of playing a guitar. He slowly leaned in. Your heart sped up and then his full lips touched yours softly. He pulled away with a smile. This was definitely a brand new experience. You got kisses from your father, but this...this was no fatherly kiss. You felt completely weak in the knees. Instinctively though, you leaned back in and he met your lips this time with a bit more force...more passion. It was like the kisses you would see in your mother's weekend movies, except you were the star. The kisses continued passionately for awhile, until they dwindled to soft pecks on your cheek and nibbles on your neck. Elvis then stopped for a moment and smirked. "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" He asked. "I'm learning right now I suppose." You said rather breathlessly, and shrugged. He nodded and gave an approving smile. The rest of the night passed by talking about each other. You learned Elvis was supposed to have a brother, but he died in childbirth and that he grew up rather poor, but his music and his new manager helped him get to where he was now. You noticed how when he was also especially nervous about a subject he would start almost rambling, running his words together, but he also had an excellent sense of humor telling jokes and stories for the mere pleasure of seeing you laugh. He was surprised how easily he could be with you and open up to you about anything, despite his nerves. You talked and kissed for hours until you could start seeing the soft orange light peaking out from the horizon. "Oh golly! I have to get home now! My mama is gonna kill me!" You said, standing up immediately. "I'll take you home, don't worry." He said and you both quickly made your way to your house. You pulled up swiftly. The house still looked dark. Hopefully everyone was still asleep. Elvis had already got out and opened the door. He held out his and and you took it, helping yourself out of the car until you stood, facing him. He grabbed the edges of your red dress, holding you in place. "When can I see you again?" He asked. "Tomorrow...if I'm not grounded?" You offered. He nodded and kissed your forehead and then pecked your lips, but went in for another. "I'm sorry, that dress is just so sexy." He said softly against your cheek. He sighed, stepping away and then leaned against the car. He got bit by the love bug bad and he needed to see you more to see what this encounter truly meant. He had see love between his parents, but this...this was new to him. A passionate and out of the blue type. Either way, you had captured his attention. "Tomorrow. I'll pick you up." He confirmed. You nodded and quickly ran inside, waving once more before going inside. You had to open and close the door softly. No noise. They were all asleep thank goodness. You tip-toed your way to your room upstairs and slipped off your dress. You held it out, inspecting what only could have been magical powers it possessed to have you end up with a night alone with Elvis. This dress was definitely a keeper. You hung it up carefully in the closet and slipped on your nightgown. You took your place under the warm covers and savored the little sleep you would get, if any, but your mind was too awake with your date with Elvis replaying over and over.

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