Suspicious Minds

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January 15th, 1963

By the new year Elvis had done seven movies since returning from the army. Seven!! And they just were turning out faster and cheaper. He was already preparing for his twelth in total, "Fun In Acapulco". Elvis was exhausted to say the least, but the countless movies weren't his main problem. He had conflicting feelings for two women at this and the now seventeen year old Priscilla Beaulieu. He had kept up with communication with telegrams and late night phone calls all while you stood by on his arm. Elvis wasn't heartless of course, he knew he was going down a bad path that would hurt someone, which stressed him out, but his newest personal Doctor the Colonel had hired for him was helping provide what he needed to endure the stress and exhaustion. He hid his true feelings all very well from you. But in his mind his love for the two of you had to be decided and he had to be honest with you and himself...eventually.

You had all but moved into Graceland part time, traveling back and forth between Austin and Memphis working on top stories and supporting and practically going steady with Elvis....practically, but he seemed a bit off with you, but you dismissed it as being the Colonels fault. He had practically ensured that you were hardly on set with him which pissed you off to no ends, but you knew he always came home to you at the end of the night which was what mattered. You sat downstairs in the living room on the long white couch. You were reading through articles Sam and a few of your friends had written recently, flipping through the newspaper as the sun shone through the open blue curtains. Elvis had just finished another long conversation with Priscilla in the privacy of his room and knew that after what he offered he had to finally bring her up to you. He quickly made his way down the stairs. You look up from the newspaper and meet Elvis' blue eyes. They looked extra bright in the sunlight as he made his way towards you, sitting down next you you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Hey, what's going on E?" You ask and lean against him. "Nothing baby. What are you reading?" He asks and flicks the paper with his fingers. "Sam wrote an article on you actually. It turned out very well. He said you're taking over the film world." You say smiling. "Oh really. This Sam guy must really know what's going on, huh?" Elvis had a slight bite of sarcasm to him. "First off, why assume Sam is a guy?" You ask, knowing this would poke fun at him and his spouts of jealousy. He was a flirt, but lord was he also possessive but it made you comfortable and you thought it was cute. "Is Sam a guy?" He presses. "Well, yes." You give a teasing smile. "God damn it y/n!" He yells slightly which caught you off guard then again, the stupid meds the stupid doctor was giving him made his temper slightly worse whenever he did have one. "Sorry darling, I didn't know you weren't in a teasing mood." You toss the newspaper aside. "What's, really going on here?" You ask and cross your arms across your chest. You knew something was up if he couldn't take a joke and something was up. Elvis could feel his blood pressure rise at the thought of where this conversation could lead. He cleared his throat. "Well, you remember Cill-Priscilla right?" He asks now clearly nervous which put you on edge. "The kid? Yeah." You ask, clearly trying to take a jab at her. "She's seventeen." He says and you laugh. "Oh goody..." You say sarcastically. "She's a good young girl and...I don't know, it's confusing...well she's coming back from Germany soon..." You go through all the assumptions you could make, "and what? You wanna see her? Date her? Marry her?" Elvis shrugs nervously and runs a hand through his hair. "Oh God tell me you don't want to fuck her? Elvis Presley, she's a child!" You say, feeling a rush of blood to your head. Things start to feel dizzy. "No God no! Baby, I'm just trying to be nice....she needs a place to stay and a good place to go to school that's all." Elvis said, although he knew deep down he wasn't telling the whole truth, he just could see your anger and he definitely didn't want to see you hurt. Perhaps this was his own stupid way of breaking it easy to you or trying not to hurt you, either way he would face his consequences. "Is she moving in here?" You ask, slightly shocked at the direction this conversation went. "Y-yes. In the room across from ours." Those were the magic words and he knew it. Your face lightens slightly. "You really just wanna help?" You ask. "Yes. I think you two would get along well yoo...maybe you can help with her writing courses?" Elvis suggested and you lean back in the couch putting your guard back down. He could do that to you. Where you would have it up to protect yourself, but would tear it down with very few words. That's why you loved him and the way he looked at you was still reassuring enough to put up with whatever shit Elvis got himself into. "Fine. When does she arrive?" You ask and he smiles softly. "In a week. Thank you baby. Thank you for understanding." He said. You nod and mentally take note. You have a week to prepare yourself for whatever feelings Priscilla may show towards Elvis. You were nervous, but you'd do anything for Elvis at this point.

The day came quicker than you wanted and Elvis had the Graceland staff on full swing as they prepared the kitchen, Priscilla's room, and cleaned from top to bottom. You wondered if Elvis had the staff do the same on your first visit, but decide to not entertain any thoughts that could cause you to have a negative outlook on least mire than you already did. The knock came at the door and Vernon came from having a coffee in the dining room. Elvis quickly followed from his office upstairs. You all stood st the door as one of the staff opened the door. You reach for Elvis' hand in comfort and he gives it a small squeeze. You relax slightly as you're greeted by a more mature looking curly haired brunette. You can already feel Elvis' palms start to clam up. Priscilla almost intimidated you with how beautiful she looked, curves in all the right places and her hair teased to a height even you were envious of. "Elvis!" She screeched childishly. Elvis gave a warm smile as she quickly hugged him. You cleared your throat slightly. "Nice to see you again Cilla." He said and took a step back. "You remember my father, Vernon and my...y/n." Elvis said introducing you awkwardly. You shoot him a stern look and then give your best fake smile. "Yes. Hi there. I'm so happy to see you both again!" She said. "Come in, come in. I believe the staff can get us some drinks." Vernon said and you all followed and took your seats st the table. You sat right next to Elvis on his right and Priscilla was on his left. You already had a bad feeling about this and it hadn't even been ten minutes. "What do you drink Priscilla?" You ask breaking the silence. "I don't...or at least not yet." She said giving a shy smile. "Mhmm." You mutter and Elvis shoots you a look. You gently kick his foot causing him to grumble an expletive. "So you're here for how long, Ms. Priscilla?" Vernon asked and you secretly praised him for being the one to ask the burning question. "I'm not quite sure. Elvis wasn't very specific." She shrugged and twirled a strand if her hair nervously. "However long you'd like. Mama always said Graceland would be everyone's home." Elvis said kindly. You were taken aback at his generosity towards her. Elvis turned to look at you, making sure he hadn't screwed up too bad. He cared about what you thought and honestly if you hadn't liked her, he probably would have dropped her like a dime. You had no idea how much Elvis took your feelings into consideration....if only he could get a grasp on his own then things would be clear. After some light small talk you both showed Priscilla to her room upstairs, leaving her to settle in. Elvis grabbed your hand though before you could go back downstairs and practically dragged you into his room. Closing the door immediately he smashed down on your lips and kissed you passionately, as you both fell to the bed. He pulled back and looked at you and tenderly kissed every inch of your face and then tenderly on the lips. He had a way to make everything passionate and gentle all at the same time. "Baby. I'm sorry I've been different. I'm just...I'm trying here." He says. You shake your head. "Don't apologize...Elvis you're a trying to come to terms with that...and you're a man who loves women, probably too much for your own good." You giggle slightly. "I know, but you know I love you right?" He asks stroking a strand of hair out of your face. "I do. I try to remember." You say. "I'd do anything for you E.P." You say out loud...and for the first time. That statement would eventually be put to the test.

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