Bridge Over Troubled Water

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January 23rd, 1973

Colonel had his grip on Elvis tighter than ever and you were fed up with how he was treating him. You knew how stressed and exhausted Elvis was at this point. Complaining of his career going nowhere and he took care of his frustrations with the damned Doctor George, who provided anything and everything he wanted in his times of need. They were both dragging him down a deep hole. 


Elvis paced around his bedroom with his new cordless phone. He was in a tirade with Colonel and apparently Tom had 'impeccable timing', since right before Elvis was just fighting about seeing Lisa Marie with you in tow, but Priscilla refused. "GOD DAMN IT COLONEL! I want to travel! I'm almost forty years old and I've never seen the world!...Oh no, the army sure as hell doesn't count!" He yelled as you sat on the bed, watching the scene unfold. It hurt you as much as it did him to see him in this state. Then Colonel must have said something bad and Elvis threw his glass of Jack Daniels he had been holding against the wall. It was too painful to watch, so you left to go to his office and continued searching the yellow pages for a good rehab place for him.

End of Flashback:

It seemed to just get worse as time had gone on and today seemed ready to show how far things had escalated. You were downstairs in the hotel lobby having a drink with a Ron, Red, and Joe, discussing the plans for the next shows Elvis had lined up. You took a small sip of your Jack and coke and savored the calm moment. Lately things hadn't been calm with Elvis, his fights with Priscilla, and the Colonel's drama. He had told you to go relax and have fun with the guys while he got some much needed sleep. It had been a few hours and your natural instincts were kicking in to check on Elvis, even if it meant just snuggling with him in bed and calling it an early night. "I'll be back fellas." You wave and Red stands up. "I'll come with you, I wanted to talk to E/P about security anyways." Red said and he accompanied you to the top floor of the hotel. You approached the room and suddenly had a sinking feeling. You take the key card out of your pocket and unlock the room. It was pitch black except for the TV that was playing a rerun of the Dick Van Dyke Show. "Red, you first." You say in a shaky voice. He meets your nervous eyes and quickly makes his way in, observing Elvis, tucked away in the sheets. "FUCK! Y/N! Call 911!" He yelled and your heart practically stopped. Tears fell without warning and you run to the phone by the bed. The one other thing you had forgotten that could come between you both, You should have known. It was his worst vice. Unable to avoid Elvis' state, you observe his comatose state, causing you to hyperventilate. "Out! I got it hun!" Red could see the terror on your face and rushed you out. You ran down the stairwell, sobbing uncontrollably until you burst into the lobby. Joe and John rush to you, John catching you before you faint and everything goes black.

Everything was a blur after you awake in your own hospital room. Joe, sat in the corner, looking out the window. Your eyes flutter open and he looks to see as you stir in the uncomfortable hospital. "W-where is he?" You croak. "Shh, he's upstairs. Doctors say he will be fine." Joe reassured. You sit up slightly. "I n-n-need to see him." You stutter as tears start flowing once more. Joe gets up and comes to your side. "Shh, yes, let me help you." He takes your arm and gently helps you to your feet. Your legs are weak and shaky, but you regain balance and both head upstairs. The hallway was dim and you could hear machines beeping from all around. You see a police office manning the wing that Elvis was clearly in, but what made your blood boil was seeing Priscilla standing outside his room. She turns and catches sight of you, obviously taken aback at the state you were in yourself. "Oh, y/n. I'm glad you're okay!" She says and opens her arms. You oblige at her kindness and hug her quickly before you take a step away. "What are...why..." You try to pick your words carefully, so as not to offend her as the, unfortunate fact that she was still the wife of your lover. "I came as soon as I heard...about both of you. Oh, I'm so glad you and Red were there." She says, a few tears coming from her eyes. "They say he'll be fine?" You question and she nods her head. "Thanks to you." She said, her eyes, clearly showing her sincerity. "And, before you go in...he's awake. I just spoke to him, but I want you to know..." She trailed off, becoming anxious. "I...I was the one who told Colonel Tom to have you leave." She said, leaving you speechless. "B-But.." You attempt to talk. "I was a child, y/n. I was a jealous, green monster. Seeing you with Elvis. I knew I wouldn't have had a shot if you had stuck around. He loves you...more than he's ever loved me..." She trails off. "He d-does love you." You manage to say. She gives a slight smile. "Not like you." She pats your shoulder. "I should have never interfered. I was wrong to tell Colonel. I ruined so much..." Her honesty was there and you could tell how remorseful she truly was. "I'm so sorry, y/n." And for once, you give her a genuine hug, holding each other in mutual solitude. She took a step back and blotted her eyes with a tiny handkerchief. " should know, we're getting a divorce. It will be official in a few months. It's just taken some time to process and to process." She said, once again, leaving you in shock. "Cilla...I...I don't know what to say." You say honestly. "Say thank you...Elvis is a very right now." She said and gave you a warm smile. "Take care of him, y/n. I believe you can save him. I truly do." She says and then makes her way down to the elevator, leaving you standing in front of his room. You turn and see his face. He looked ten times better already, his skin finally had color in it. You walk up and as soon as he catches sight of you, a wide grin appears on his face making your heart practically burst. "Baby." He croaked and he cleared his throat. You go to his side and sit beside him. "I'm guessing you heard the news too?" He said, clearly acknowledging your smile. "Yes, but...hold on." You look back as the whole crew practically stood behind, observing your reunion. "Fellas, a second alone with my rock star?" You smile and they oblige happily, stepping out and closing the door. You turn back and Elvis looks down, remorsefully. "You need to take better care of yourself. Starting with getting rid of your damn doctor and...Colonel." You plead. Elvis shrugs. "It's harder than you think." He says, clearly showing how broken of a man he had become. "I'm here to help you though. I'm never leaving. I WILL get you the help you need." You say with absolute reassurance. You dig in your pocket and pull out a piece of a torn yellow page. You hand it to Elvis and he sees the encircled location. 'San Diego Rehabilitation Institute'. He looked up and met your eyes. His heart went out to you, knowing all the pain he had put you through. He could see the sincerity in your eyes. He was done seeing people in pain and he was especially done seeing you in pain. "Okay." He agrees. You smile. "Tomorrow? They have a plane ready for you baby." You suggest and plead with God or whoever would listen that he finally takes action. "Okay. Tomorrow it is." He nodded and smiled. You smile and kiss his lips gently, but ensure he can feel the passion behind it. It was the first step in the right direction and he took it just in time. 

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