Ice Cream You Scream

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You somehow managed to fall asleep. You stir lightly as you start to dream, your mind clearly focused on one thing and one thing only.

His hand makes its way down your thigh. He gives you a slight smirk. His fingers ask for entrance and slide gently inside. You're tight. Your virgin self has never felt anything like this before. His fingers twirl around faster and faster. "Y/N!" He shouts.

"Y/N!!!" Your mother shouts from downstairs. You jolt up. Your eyes wide open. Your hand was inside you and you had a slight cold sweat. These feelings were very different and you had never even thought of touching yourself in this way. 'Was I sick? Was I possessed by evil? Why would I do this? What type of dream was that?!' These were all the thoughts that flooded your mind. You took your fingers out and as you did, you could feel a slight throb, but it felt good. "Y/N! Someone called for you!" Your mom yelled again. You immediately ignored your unexplained, strange feelings, wiping your fingers on your covers and got up. You make your way halfway down the stairs and call back, "Who was it?" You ask. "Some boy! He says to be ready in thirty minutes!" She called. Your eyes widened. "Thirty?!" You screech and run back to your room, slamming the door behind you. You don't even know what to wear. You go to your closet and yank a few outfits out and frantically start searching. You come across one of your tighter long skirts, which happened to be red...he liked red....and found a simple white blouse that can be tucked in with it. Perfect. You decide on that outfit and finish getting ready. Before you know it though the doorbell rings and your heart rate increases. You quickly finish brushing powder on your face and make your way to the door, opening it to reveal the source of intense feelings. "Hey baby." He smirks slightly, his lips curling up slightly. Oh how you dreamed of that smirk...quite literally. Your knees feel weak as you try to muster words. "H-hi Elvis." You stutter. He chuckles. "You look gorgeous....I love red on you" He smiles, looking you up and down. He new he made the right choice to continue seeing you. You were a sight for sore eyes and he was eager to take you out on the town and on his arm. A slight blush appears on your face. He gives you a soft peck on the lips which sends your newfound hormones into overdrive. "So do I get to meet your mama?" He asks and peers inside. "S-s-sure." You agree and gesture for him to come inside. You lead him to the kitchen where your mother happened to be finishing breakfast for your kid sister who sat at the table, coloring. "Mother, t-this is Elvis." You introduce nervously. He smiles softly and shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you ma'am, you have a wonderful daughter." He complimented. He was raised to be respectful towards mothers by his own...and with seeing his own mother struggle to keep him fed and happy, he had an upmost respect for them as well. He was an upstanding gentleman. You couldn't ask for better. "Oh, well, thank you I do my best. This here is my youngest, Betty." She gestured to your sister who looked up. "Wanna see my horse?" She asked picking up her coloring book. "Sure thing." He smiled and bent down to her level to look at her drawing. Your heart practically melted at the sight. "Thank you Betty, you're a real artist." He smiled and patted her head and then look over at you. "We should get going. It was wonderful to meet you both." He smiled at your mother and sister. Taking tour hand, you walked to the front door. "You're wonderful with them." You compliment softly, opening the door. "I admire mothers who raise kids well." He smiled and pecked your forehead. "Let's go. We have a busy day." He smiled and walked over to the passenger door and opened it. You sat inside and as you drove off on your first official date, you couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

He pulled up to your local diner. It was one of your favorites. The big pink neon sign red "Mama Joe's Diner". Elvis got out and went to open your door. "You like ice cream, right?" He asked as you both walked through the doors. "Oh absolutely! I love rocky road actually." You say. "I like banana splits. We can put rocky road on one and split that?" He suggested. "Perfect." You agree and he walks up to order. You look around taking in the moment, several boys and girls your recognize from school giving you both looks and gossiping as you walked by on his arm. "I might as well be a zoo animal." He chuckled and made monkey noises slightly and you giggled at the animal sounds coming from him, but it made you feel slightly bad for the way people stared or flocked him wherever he went. Then out of the corner of your eye, you spot Diane and Sylvia sitting in the back corner booth giggling. "Oh no..." You say aloud and grabbed Elvis' arm. "Here, let's sit over here." You suggest, going to the opposite side's back corner booth. "Whoa whoa baby. Everything okay?" He asked. "Sorry, friends. I just don't want them to know...I mean they would freak out..." You trailed off fidgeting with your skirt. "They would cause a scene." You finished. "I get it. It's not a problem. We'll drive somewhere else and eat our ice cream there." He suggested, speaking quickly, letting his nerves show. You breathed a sigh of relief at his understanding. "I'm sorry." You apologized. "No need. Sometimes I need the escape and right now I just wanna be with you." He smiled at you. He truly understood what you meant, more than you knew and he was thankful that you seemed to understand and be there for him. He had already encountered mobs before and it was physically and mentally draining for him, so he was happy to oblige with you. "Banana split!!" The lady at the counter suddenly called out. "I'll get it. Maybe if I go say hi they won't suspect anything. I'll meet you at the car?" You ask. He nods and goes out the closest exit and you go up to the counter to retrieve you split and then walk to your friends. "Hey yall!" You smile. "Y/n! What are you up to miss sue?!" Sylvia asks with a smile. "Oh just getting a banana split for me and Betty." You lied. They nod. The guilt of lying and sneaking around with a man they both are fans of was eating you alive. "Well hey, we need to get together soon. Give me a call later?" Diane asks. "Always. I'll see yall soon!" You smile and quickly make your way to the car. The door is already propped open and you take your seat, shutting the door. "Everything okay?" Elvis asks. You look at him. "I want to tell them soon. They're my best friends." You say honestly. "Anything for you baby." He smiles and takes your free hand. "You're perfect." You smile and he gives your hand a quick peck and pulls out. "Where are we going now?" You ask as you drive down the road. It was his turn to surprise you with a favorite place he found in town. "The lake." He smiles. The perfect option for a hot, summer day in Texas.

You end up on a bank near Lake Austin, sitting on two towels, eating your banana split and taking in the view of the boats passing by. The hot summer sun felt good on your skin. You take another bite and relish the taste of the chocolate and nuts and close your eyes. "This is perfect." You take in a breath of the fresh air. "Yes you are." Elvis says. You open your eyes to see Elvis starring at you. You had known each other for all but two days and you already felt the need to be around him. He was mysterious, kind, a gentleman...and all of that just drew you in more and more each moment. It made you start to wonder how much longer you both truly had to be together. "Elvis." You state. "Hmm?" He mumbled as he laid back down on the towel with his eyes closed. "When do you leave to perform in a new city?" You ask. He peered up and saw the concern on your face. He sat up once more. "I'm not sure. The colonel hasn't said much...but he's still new at working with me. I'll find out though. But for now, I'm here." He smiled. "Colonel?" You ask, curious. "Yeah Colonel Tom...he's my new manager. He sets up all my shows. He's'll have to meet him sometime." Elvis said speaking quickly. You started to notice the way he spoke, especially when he was nervous, that he would speak rather quickly. It was cute either way. "I'd love to meet him." You smile and lean against him. He wraps an arm around your waist, a finger lightly rubbing along your side. Butterflies flew in your stomach. You loved the way you felt with him, and he seemed to reciprocate the feeling. It seemed like things were perfect. 

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