Don't Be Cruel

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You had packed one good dress, not expecting to go to too many parties, but it was decent. It was a green dress which strangely enough Sam and a few others at the statesman had complimented, saying your eyes popped in it. It had a silk bodice and thicker material over it. It showed shoulder, rose slightly above your knees, and most importantly it made you feel comfortable and confident. You teased your hair slightly and just as you finished putting on your black pumps, Elvis waltzed in wearing his army best and hat, looking as dashing as ever. "Oh, E..." You say breathlessly and go to wrap your arms around him. He holds you close and kisses your forehead and then your lips softly. "We better go or else Joe will start whining." He chuckled and he lead you to the Cadillac, awaiting your departure. 

The large house was where the party was, just a few blocks from where Elvis stayed. It was probably considered a mansion here in Germany with all the windows, the number of bedrooms, and the tall entryway. The inside was already lively with a lot of other servicemen and their dates. You sauntered in on Elvis' arm, smiling proudly. "E.P!" A voice called loudly across the room. Charlie had beaten you both there and he came with another man that Elvis apparently knew. "Come have a drink." The other man insisted. "Oh, he doesn't drin..." Your words were cut off instantaneously, "Sure thing. What whiskey do yall have hiding around?" He chuckled and released you from his arm. Lots has changed evidentially. He was no longer the straight-collared southern boy you first met...if he ever really was that straight to begin with. You watch as he walks through the ever growing crowd in the large living room. You start to wander instantly, trying to occupy your mind. You spot another woman in a corner smoking and instantly feel the need for one as well. You approach her with a smile. "'Scuse me, would you mind if I bummed one please?" You ask nicely. "Sure thing." She said, her German accent thick and stuck one out. You take it and light it instantly, taking a long deep drag. You had picked up smoking while on breaks at the Statesman a lot more and it seemed that stress always seemed to escalate your need. Elvis may have had his vices, but so did you. You take another puff and feel arms wrap around you. "Baby, you shouldn't do that." He teased whispering in your ear, making your spine shiver. "Not until you stop with your pills and this new drinking thing." You shoot back, slightly regretting it. Which it turns out you would later on. "E! Come here, let me introduce you to the Officer Beaulieu and his daughter!" Charlie and their friend called and once again, Elvis was whisked away from you, leaving you to finish your cigarette with the strange German woman.

Elvis sauntered off, following Charlie and Ben up the staircase. He felt happy to have been out and on break and even happier that you were there to relieve some of the stress. As he walked away he spotted Joe flirting shamelessly with a young German blonde. "Joe!" He called. He looked back with an annoyed glance and then stepped to the side. "What, I'm about to take her home." Joe said smiling like he just won a grand prize. Elvis rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, good job buddy! Can you look out for y/n though, I'll be a minute/" Elvis requested. Joe looked over the taller crowd and spotted you in the corner. "Sure thing boss." He saluted and Elvis continued up the stairs where he was met with the other guys and a tall old man in a high ranked uniform. "Sir, this is Private Presley." Charlie introduced. He saluted and stood tall. "At ease." The man said in a deep voice. "I'm Officer Paul Beaulieu and this is my daughter, Priscilla." He said and stepped aside revealing a short well proportioned girl with long curly dark hair and striking green eyes. Elvis heart lurched slightly which caught him off guard. "Hi there." She said smiling politely and curtsying and all of the sudden Elvis forgot how to speak. "Anyways, excuse me while I go check on the staff in the kitchen. Gentlemen..." Officer Paul said and gestured for Charlie and Ben to follow, leaving Elvis and Priscilla standing alone at the top of the staircase. "Wanna see my room?" She asked smiling again, her smile captivating him. He nodded and followed her to the room next to the stairs. "My daddy says I have to leave it open if I ever have a boy in here. I've never had a boy in here though, you're the first. Not to say there will be others, just that you...oh anyways, I'm Priscilla. What was your name?" She said rambling and making Elvis chuckle and nervously ran a hand on the back of his neck. "Elvis. Elvis Presley." He introduced. "Oh, I should have known! I've seen you in those moving pictures and I saw you and Debra Paget were going together too." She said a hint of jealousy on her tongue. He had almost never met a girl like her...almost. Elvis smirked slightly and continued on with a conversation as he sat on the floor and Priscilla wandered back and forth nervously across the floor. 

An hour or two must have passed and you were getting tired of attempting to make small talk with random strangers, half of whom could hardly speak English and who were probably here to just bed lonely G.I's. You excused yourself from another lengthy conversation between a red head and her soldier as they started to flirt rather heavily in front of you. Finally, you spotted Joe with a blonde. He looked like he was about to make a move just as you walked up. "Joe." You interrupted rather obnoxiously. "Oh shit. Y/n, I mean...hey how are ya?" He asked running a hand nervously through his hair. "Yeah where's Elvis?" You ask getting straight to the point. "Elvis? Oh yes, um...hold on I think he was using the bathroom upstairs. Let me go check on him." Joe said, even though he was horrible at lying he ran upstairs. Instead of waiting awkwardly with the blonde he was trying to fuck you decide to go upstairs and instantly regret it. You see Joe speaking frantically with Elvis and a young girl near the closest bedroom. "E?" You clear your throat slightly. Everyone turned to face you and the girl smiles. She was definitely attractive, for her age which looked no older than fifteen, if that. "Elvis, I'm tired, can we go home please?" You ask. He nods and looks at Joe and Priscilla. "Um, yeah, bye now." He says quickly and follows as you rush down the stairs, embarrassment and resentment rising inside you. You make it out the front door, Elvis trailing behind and hold it in long enough until you get back to his rental. The driver opens the door once you arrive and you quickly make your way to his bedroom and slam the door behind both of you. Elvis quickly turns you around to face him and holds your hands, as if pleading for you to hold in your anger. You never had a temper, but seeing Elvis mad a few times had rubbed off somehow and you had about as much as he had. You push his body away from you and cross your arms. "Why if that wasn't the most humiliating moment of my life!" You yell and his face falls. He genuinely is sorry, he just hopes you realize it. You were the last person he wanted to hurt. You attempt to ignore the genuine puppy dog look he gave you which made you just want to go and hold him. NO! He needed to hold YOU! He embarrassed YOU. He left YOU alone at a stranger's party. He wouldn't get off that easily. You shake your head furiously, as if to shake out the feelings and just kept in the anger. "Baby please. I'm sorry. I lost track of time and she was just talking about her know he's an officer in the army." he began to talk quickly, definitely nervous now at your facial expression. "Elvis, I was left by myself for about two hours! I needed you." Tears unexpectedly start streaming from your eyes and he immediately is cradling your face in his hands, using his fingers to wipe your tears. "Damn it Elvis! There's two people in this relationship. Two. Not just Elvis. There's me too. You needed to consider that." You cry through the tears. "I know, I'm so sorry y/n. I'm so sorry baby doll." He pleads and kisses your cheeks over and over. He hates seeing you this upset, let alone knowing he caused the pain. "Elvis, you can't do that to me anymore. Please. I need you." You say, truthfully. You both needed each other. He nods and strokes your hair and holds you to him as your tears stain his uniform. "No more parties..." You say softly and pull away, wiping the remainder of the tears off your face. "No more. You just get me, Joe, and Charlie." He smiles slightly. "Great, all of my favorite men." You giggle slightly. Elvis feels horrible about what happened as well as a twinge of guilt. His feelings confused him now more than ever, but what he knew for sure was he did really still love you...that, he was sure of. Whether he was meant to love one woman...that would be the question to overcome. He kisses you tenderly and that night he holds you and he makes the most gentle, love to you, forgetting your first real fight with Elvis as you slept in his arms once more. 

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