Always On My Mind

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February 20th, 1960

Time went on. A few telegrams here, a call there. Elvis had even come back to Memphis when his mama died, but he only called once and it was very brief, which was understandable. He was cut up by the loss and grief he felt, yet he still had to leave and go back to his duties overseas which left you feeling alone once again, but life never paused. Your internship had started at the Statesman and you were diving into your work and trying to learn all you could, especially from your mentor, Sam Brown who was a rather attractive local Austinite. He had shaggy brown hair he was tall, he had dimples whenever he smiled, was broad shouldered, and had a passion for writing and the outdoors. You followed him around like a lost puppy, learning from him and his expertise, but you ensured to make it known somehow that you were involved with someone, but he seemed to be extra kind to you nonetheless. You had Elvis to think just hoped he was doing the same and keeping you in mind as well.

It was another long day developing film in the dark room, browsing which photos to use for your next issue which happened to feature Elvis and his father from his mama's funeral. You tried to stay away from working those stories for fear of professionalism though. Sam stood beside you, flipping over several pieces of film gently. You peered in the container, slightly leaning against him, observing the picture that slowly appeared under the dark red lights. "Oh, this looks perfect." You say breathlessly, as the skyline of Austin appears. It looked beyond perfect and it fit your 'Welcome to Austin' article well. "I agree. I'll let the boss man know to take this one." Sam nodded his head in agreement and looked at you. "Listen, y/n...I wanted to ask..." His arm flexed slightly as a hand ran through his hair. "I wanted to..." A knock at the door suddenly interrupted and one of the other interns, a short guy, probably younger than you, came in. Sam quickly stepped away looking confused at the situation. Surely he wouldn't have tried to ask you out. Would you have said yes? Hell no. Would it have been nice to be taken out? Sure. "S-sorry to interrupt, y/n, I was told the call was urgent..." The young intern stuttered nervously. "Call?" You ask still unsure of what was going on. "Please." He urged and you turned to Sam. "Sorry, tell me later." You say and quickly follow the short intern to the phone in one of the offices. You pick up and the intern leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. "Hello, this is y/n." You answer. "Oh baby!" Goosebumps raise on your skin at the sound of his voice. It had been months since his last call and probably over a year since you've seen him in person. "Elvis?!" You exclaim excitedly. "Baby, I'm sorry I've missed you like crazy." He said quickly...still as cute as ever when he got nervous, you could just hear it in his voice. "Y/n, I don't have long, but I have a huge surprise.." He trailed off, allowing the suspense to build. "Oh? What is it?" You ask eagerly. "I'm wiring you money to come visit me in Germany. I'm about to go on leave for the spring amd I know you'll be on your spring break and I want you here with me." He said and you almost screamed with excitement, but remembered where you were when you looked to the office's window and saw people peaking through. You rolled your eyes and turned away. "I'd love to Elvis. Oh I'd love to!" You say, smiling from ear to ear. "I'll see you in a few days then. And y/n?" He waited for me to answer. "Yes?" You ask. "I love you." He says, clearly with a smile on his face. "I love you too. Goodbye." Your cheekbones start hurting from how much you smiled. You couldn't help it. This proved that even after all this time Elvis truly had you on his mind and to be in his arms again was all you wanted at this point...Sam's cut off conversation wasn't even a thought in your mind anymore. You could only think of the coming days when you'd finally see Elvis again.

The day you arrived to Germany was a whirlwind experience. You had never flown that far let alone without the company of your parents, but you did so eagerly. You walked through the long airport terminal for what felt like forever, as if the floor never allowed you to move and the hallways would just get longer, until finally you could see a cadillac with a man wearing a uniform and dark sunglasses, leaning against it outside the pickup area. Elvis could see you as well from his position and his heart started pounding in his chest. It had been too long since he's seen you, let alone any women while with the army. You were a sight for sore eyes, looking the same yet somehow different. The clothes? Sure maybe they made you look older. But really it was how your body had developed compeltely into a woman and he took notice immediately. His heart kept trying to tell him that he loved you. Hopefully having you here with him would reassure him of you. After all, his feelings of love were real, but he had the Colonels words echoing constantly in his mind. He shook his head and looked up, awaiting to have you in his arms, then all would be right with things. You quickly make your way out, bags in tow until you could clearly see his face. You all but drop all of your thing, running to him your green poodle skirt flowing as you run into his open arms you jump up and he grabs you tightly as you wrap your arms around his strong frame. You took in his familiar smell of his cologne mixed with the soap he uses. "Baby I missed you!" He says against your cheek as he showers you with kisses. Elvis' thoughts before had been thrown out the window and he all but forgot about his worries. That was the thing he knew he loved about you, was you could help him forget all his troubles in the world. He sets you down gently, at last meeting your lips and its like magnets. You can't be pulled apart. His hands go through your hair and against your back, holding you tightly to himself. Your fingers run through his hair, which still had a good volume despite the army cut he received. "Uh-hm, Mr. Presley." The driver interrupted our rather heated public kiss and you pulled back, blushing. Elvis also had a slight redness to his cheeks. "Sorry, we should go baby." He said and picked up your bags and putting them in the trunk of his rented cadillac. "Your chariot, madam." He smirked slightly, opening the door for you. You almost forget the words to say when he smirks and gave a smile back, sliding into the backseat with Elvis. He takes your hand and caresses a finger lightly on your fingertips. He gives you a side smile and you lean against him, feeling completely at home and like all was right with the world again, you both felt that way again at last.

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