Stuck on You

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July 31, 1969

Dirty. You, y/n, are a dirty slut. A homewrecker. Why would you stoop this low? You might as well have thought it all because the headlines made you out to be some horrible person, calling you worse names and saying Elvis deserved Priscilla but you had grown thicker skin...and a little voice in your head somehow knew those nasty headlines probably had Colonel Tom written all over them. He fueled your defiance. So you stayed with Elvis. You fell back into your old ways. Traveling everywhere with him. Why not? It's not like Priscilla was around anyways. In fact she rarely showed her face and Elvis practically acted like he was an unmarried man, focusing all his efforts on you. He was wrapped around your finger and probably had been the whole time. What Elvis didn't know yet was Sam had sent a telegram calling off your wedding officially. You had broken Sam's heart and you did feel bad, you were human after all, but what mattered were your mother's, Sylvia, and Diane's supportive telegrams that made you feel better. You knew they had all always been fond of Elvis anyways so you easily went back to living your life with the king.

This wasn't just another ordinary day though. Hell, no day with Elvis Presley was 'ordinary'. You had been at almost every rehearsal leading up to this day and knew how nervous he was. Colonel as much of a bastard as he was, scored Elvis a residency at the newest International Hotel in Las Vegas. It would be one of the biggest stages Elvis had performed on and he was filming it all for a documentary crew, which put him more on edge. Opening day had approached quickly and the whole hotel was bursting from top to bottom with Elvis mania. Elvis himself on the other hand was about to burst from his nerves. He had escalated his use of whatever pills his doctor provided and had him on standby at the show as well. You didn't enjoy Dr. George's presence though. He fed something Elvis seemed to be hiding and he would never disclose what exactly he would even take. Elvis kept this secret from you as well. You felt bad for Elvis and hated the secrecy, but you understood all too well especially after your stint at rehab, so you kept your mouth shut, for now. Elvis paced his dressing room after taking his daily secret meds and downed a bottle of water. Sweat was already perspiring on his well tanned face. In fact, Elvis probably looked better than he had in years. His stage outfit was a long white jumpsuit with an accented belt that hung on his hips. It showed his newly chisled chest with bits of hair peaking through and his hair was in its newest style. You think back to when he decided on the changes making you giggle.


"Beatle mania is sweeping the nation. These four are surly to capture hearts and our attention!" The newscaster finished the segment. You sat beside Elvis in the yellow and black entertainment room. All the tvs were set to his favorite stations and one in particular had grabbed both of your attention. "Well they look cool!" You comment, leaning into the crook of Elvis' arm as he casually stroked your hair. "Their heads look like bowling balls." He laughed. You join in. "My stylist the other week said it's the Beatle-Do." You laugh. "Oh? What do you think I would look like with that kind of hair?" He asked playfully. "It could suit you, but I love your hair babe." You say and ruffle it slightly, knowing all too well how he felt about people messing with his hair. "Maybe I should try something new. See what you and the guys at rehearsal think?" He thought. "Whatever makes you happy my love." You say and kiss his full lips grabbing hold of the hair on the back if his head. A few days later at rehearsals he showed up with his new hair style. Of course keeping his signature sideburns which made his particular do stand out, and you had to admit you loved the new style. It had more volume.

End Flashback.

He looks over at you and stops pacing. "Do you think we'll have a full house? Do you think they'll like the new and improved me?" Elvis began rambling nervously as he usually did which made you giggle. You walk up to him and take his face in your hands so he's staring right into your eyes. "They will always love you Elvis. And so will I." You say and give him a kiss. You hear a throat clear at the doorway to his dressing room and all of his latest band, TCB stood there. John and Ron give each other looks and the rest are smirking at your public display of affection. "Oh screw yall!" You tease and Elvis casually flips them off, as he plants one last big one on you before they officially call for everyone to come to the stage. Elvis nerves are instantly calm with you. He only feels the adrenaline and excitement just knowing he has you, all his buddies, and adoring fans supporting him. He takes your hand and yet again you walk with him and the rest of the band snd backup singers down the hallway to the backstage area. Everyone takes their places as Elvis stands with you off in the wings. He holds you to him as you both take in the moment that he's been preparing for weeks for. The lights suddenly go dim and the energizing entrance music starts. You can almost feel the excitement and hear the roar of the crowd as the curtain lifts. Elvis gives you one last kiss, gives the camera a thumbs up and walks out on stage. You quickly go to take your place at one of the tables in the front row with Vernon already sitting there and watch as Elvis electrifies the audience with his stage presence and amazing talent. He sounded and looked better than ever.

Priscilla makes her way into the giant auditorium. Tables were set up everywhere and he had already started his performance. She felt proud of him in the moment as she walked to the table that Colonel Tom was waving her down to. She quickly takes her seat and looks onward as he continues singing one of her favorites, "Love Me Tender". She sees his famous smirk onstage as he walks to one of the corners of the stage and leans down. She immediately recognizes you and of course Colonel was fueled with rage. Elvis leans down and plants a passionate kiss on your lips. Her hands grip the table as she fights back tears. 'Be a lady. Pull yourself together.' She thought to herself. She almost cant be surprised. She knew Elvis always had a love for you that was different than it was for them, but it still stung and all she could think about was Lisa Marie, hoping she would still love her daddy. This was her fight with him. Priscilla immediately stands. After all the fighting and pills, this was the last straw. She looked at Colonel who could see the hurt on her face. She then felt a small twinge of guilt and her anger towards you subsided slightly and rose towards Elvis. He was the one who messed things up to begin with. He lead her on far too long. Priscilla glances on, starting to feel worse about her own faults. She shouldn't be here. She makes her way out of the auditorium and mentally makes note to contact her lawyer....and to eventually contact you.

He would give you a kiss like that every night of the show for the next seven shows during the documentary filming. You took it all in as Elvis lived out his dreams in front of you, feeling at home being back in Elvis' life. There wasn't anywhere else in the world you'd rather be. You were both completely head over heels in love with one another and nothing could come between you anymore, so you thought.

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