The Beginning Of Our Journey

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The Qliphoth Tree.

A Demonic Tree that grows in the Underworld.

It feeds on the blood of humans to nourish itself. And when it has been fed enough, it produces a fruit once every thousand years. Legend has it that if a demon were to consume this Qliphoth Fruit, then it will gain immense power. The last demon known to have eaten this fruit was Mundus, the Late Lord Of The Underworld.

Before, the Tree was kept at bay. By separating the Underworld from the Human Qorld, The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda cut off the Tree's food supply. It languished and starved for two thousand years. Then, the barrier between the two worlds was broken. A new Demon Lord, Urizen, arose and planned to grow another Qliphoth Fruit. So that he may become the new Lord Of The Underworld.

But his plan failed.

He was defeated.

But the Tree remained.

Its roots grown fat off the consumption of human blood, they began to spread without end. Through both the Human World and into others. For the Qliphoth's hunger is endless and will not stop at only one world. It will attempt to reach into and drain all worlds of their life.

It would grow for one fact.

That being the twin streaks of red and blue light that just cleaved the entire Tree in half.

As the Demon Tree begins to fall, its roots and branches either disintegrating or falling to the ground alongside it, the streaks of light headed towards the ground. They landed in an opening between the crumbling roots, scorching the flesh-like ground as they hit the floor. In a bright flash of red and blue the two lights revealed who they were.

The children of The Legendary Dark Knight.

Sparda's Offspring.

The Twins who have surpassed their father's power.

Dante and Vergil.

"And that's that," Dante laughed while casually brushing some root dust off his shoulder. His deep crimson coat fluttered in the air generated by the Tree's rapid descent. Around him demons ran in every direction, loping, hopping, or skittering away from the destruction wrought by the two brothers. Any that got too close were swiftly cut down by an errant flick of Dante's sword. The Devil Sword Dante, an obsidian blade that was as wide as Dante's torso, moved faster than its size would indicate in his hands. He rested the weapon across his shoulders, white hair falling around his stubble covered face as he turned to his twin brother, "So, we still counting that as one? Cause if so, then I'm in the lead."

Vergil, his dark blue coat the polar opposite of his younger brother's own, shot an angry glare at Dante. A fleeing demon passed too close to the older Son Of Sparda and soon found itself horizontally split in half. The click of Vergil's sword, the Yamato, returning to its sheathe followed its body parts falling to the ground in bloody heaps. He turned towards Dante and spoke in a self-serious tone of voice that contrasted his brother's own jovial tone, "We will not include the Qliphoth Tree as an enemy. It is inanimate. Thus it shouldn't be considered apart of our count. And what do you mean by in the lead?"

Dante tilted his head while turning towards his brother, "You sure about that? I certainly recall that thing's roots climbing out of the walls to try to kill me. I'd call that animate. And, yeah, I'm in the lead. I killed that Fury back there before we took out the Tree."

"You did not. My swords pierced its flesh before you even reached it. Then I'm the lead. And even if we did count the Qliphoth as an enemy, we both struck it at the same time. Thus it adds to neither of our counts," Vergil said, the frown on his face deepening as he looked at his brother.

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