An Overreaction

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Vergil placed the last returned book for the day back on its shelf. He stepped away from the shelf and then took a moment to look at the arrangement of the books. They were all non-fiction, each with detailed histories of the various Yokai races. Exactly what the tomes entailed depended upon the author. Some had the tone of research papers. Books that were made to tell history without any embellishments or bias to be had. Others were, more or less, primarily focused on detailing how "amazing" and "wonderful" the lands of Yokai used to be before humans or other Yokai showed up.

He had read through them in his off time. Mainly for information gathering. Seeing if there was any point in this world's history where someone from a completely separate dimension arrived in it. If there were, then Vergil could further look into them and see if and how they got back to their world. See if there were any hidden methods to make pinpointing the exact location of their home dimension easier.

Sadly, he was proven wrong. Though he was upset, he was certain Dante would make light of the situation. He would smile and point out how the two of them were "The first unlucky bastards to be sent to this place from somewhere else!"

Vergil grimaced, turning away from the shelf when he was certain all the books were in alphabetical order. He heard the school bell ring twice, indicating that it was time for the students to go to class or lunch. For him, it singled his lunch break for the day. He easily made his way towards his desk, briefly adjusting his collar with a hand. It wasn't hot, he just felt the need to do so. He easily slid into the seat behind his desk and opened up one of the drawers. With a hand, he pulled out a bowl of "Instant Ramen" that the lunch lady had given him for some reason. He wouldn't complain about being given sustenance for free. While he may not necessarily need to eat, doing so would ensure that his body remained energized for future conflicts.

He got up, the bowl of readily made ramen in his hands as he made his way towards the exit. None of the students in the library got in his way as he walked passed them. None even bothered looking at him. They only continued to read their books as their backs shook with fear. Vergil paid them no mind as he opened the library doors.

"Now then," he said to no one in particular, heading towards the nearest kettle he knew of, "To the Teacher's Lounge."

"Um, excuse me?"

Vergil kept walking but slowed enough to let the owner of the voice catch up to him. He glanced to the side to see one of the female students keeping pace with him. Her face was red and she kept staring at the ground. Her brown hair bounced with her every step, alongside the tied box lunch in her hand. She kept her gaze on her feet as her mouth opened and closed, no words leaving her lips. Vergil chose to ignore her after the fifth time she failed to communicate what she called out to him for. He began to speed up when he heard more footsteps coming up from behind him.

Taking a step to the right, he let another female student fly passed him. She skidded to a stop in front of the two with two bagged lunches in her hands. She was barely hiding her true nature. She wore gym clothes and her face was that of an actual dog's. She stepped in front of Vergil and held out both of her bags, "You! Me! Lunch! Together!"

Vergil gave the girl points for directly stating what it is she wanted with him. But, that didn't mean she was going to get a pass. He held his ramen up in one hand, while his other summoned the Yamato out of thin air. Ignoring the surprised gasps of the two girls, he gave the Inugami in front of him a firm strike on the head, "You are meant to maintain your human form at all times. Consider this a warning."

The Inugami whimpered, backing up and both hands going to her head as Vergil walked passed her. He heard a "poof" behind him, followed by more footsteps. The Inugami appeared at his side, her face much more human than before. She holds up both of the bags, "Done. Now will you come-"

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