The Succubus Arrives

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Two Days Later

The doors to the Youkai Academy library opened and closed as students entered and exited. Now that the school year had somewhat started, the more diligent students were attempting to get a head start on their reading assignments. The less diligent were simply looking for a place to relax and try to forget about their homework assignments for a bit. Though these types usually left the library early after being reprimanded by the new Head Librarian. However, three students, in particular, were standing outside and to the left of the library door. They were huddled together, trying to appear subtle...and failing at it.

"OK, everyone remembers the plan, right?" the leader of the trio of male students said as he turned to his two companions. He wore the standard greenish Youkai Academy uniform, but with a white coat hanging off his back. On it, the kanji for "Battle" stood proudly in red ink. The student was taller than his companions but he was on the leaner side. His muscles were nearly non-existent at a glance.

His two companions were mirror images of him. The main difference being one wore glasses while the other held a large kanabo that he got from somewhere. Where exactly he wouldn't tell anyone. The two other students looked at each other, then back at their leader, confusion still on their faces. The one with the kanabo spoke first, "I thought we were just gonna go in the library and beat up that new librarian."

The leader's palm hit his face. His voice was muffled as he spoke, "We are gonna do that. But we're gonna be smart about it. We can't just run in there and expect to get him. Not to mention we'll only get one shot at this and we can't afford to mess up our revenge now."

"Y-Yeah!" the one with glasses shouts enthusiastically. He pumps his fist in the air as tears start to fall from his eyes, "I-I'll never forgive him for taking Sakura away from me! He'll pay for enchanting her with his evil wiles!"

The kanabo wielder scratched the side of his head, "But...I thought you and Sakura were just friends. How could he steal her if you weren't going out?"

"We-We weren't going out yet," glasses is sure to correct his fellow. His tears flow in an ever-increasing amount as he speaks, "bu-bu-but I was planning to ask her out when the time was right! But I can't do that as long as he's in the way!"

Kanabo shrugged, "I just want to get back at him for throwing me out while I trying to hit on a girl."

"Look it doesn't matter!" their leader stated with finality, "Point is that we all have a reason to get back at this Vergil guy. And we have a better chance of doing it together than separately. So, what we're gonna do is go in there, challenge him to a duel, then when he starts walking towards us, you hit him with your kanabo! Then we all kick him while he's down!"

"Yeah!" the other two shouted in unison.

"You two ready!?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Then lets g-"

"Excuse me, boys?~"

The three men all froze on the spot. Slowly, they turned their heads in the direction the feminine voice had come from. When their eyes fell on the newcomer, they all felt their hearts skip a beat. The blue-haired high school girl took a single step forward, leaning forward to accentuate her large breasts. She pouted as she started up at the three comrades with a sad look in her eyes. She started to sob while stepping closer to the three of them, "It's just...I'm so lonely here. No one wants to be my friend. And I...I don't know why."

The three immediately moved to surround the girl and started to bow to her. Their leader stepped forward, chest out and hands on his hips as he spoke with confidence, "Don't worry, young lady! We honorable gentlemen will gladly be your first friends!"

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