Kaneshiro And Kiria's Mistakes

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"And you're sure that'll work, Dante?"

Dante smiled at the student as he wiped down Ms. Nekonome's desk. He nodded his head at the disguised "Kappa" standing across from him, "Sure it'll work. Just go up to her and tell her how you feel. Worst thing she can say is n-"

Dante stopped himself. He looked at the floor to hide the frown that appeared on his face. He had just remembered that he was giving this kid, a monster, advice on how to get a female monster to date him. There were, actually, plenty of things that she could do to him that were decidedly worse than just saying no.

When he got his smile back he met the kid's eyes and shook his head, "Scratch that. Just go on and live a little, kid. But remember that getting a date ain't worth losing blood over. Alright?"

The kappa nodded his head, green matted hair barely moving as he did so. A goofy smile split his face as he started heading towards the door, "Alright! I'm gonna go talk to Misuki-chan right now! Thanks, Dante-senpai!"

"Don't mention it," he shouted without watching the kid leave. When he heard the door close, he sighed with a shake of his head. He put the dust cloth into a drawer in Ms. Nekonome's desk before leaping over it. He landed on the other side, picking up a bag that had been left for him as he did so. He started to walk along the room, reaching into the bag every now and then to get a clean cloth out. Then he used it to dust off the students' desks as he passed by.

He had been with her for two more classes now and nothing really interesting had happened. He made sure to give both of the new groups of students a different greeting from the one with Lover Boy in it. Mainly to keep things interesting for him and the kids. Now he had some free time, but Kitty Cat asked him to clean up while she went off on her own. He didn't really mind that much. It gave him some time to himself. Let him consider a few things.

The first thing on his mind was what he was gonna do for lunch? Obviously he would drag Vergil along. The two hadn't had a family dinner together since...forever. So, he figured it would be a good idea to have one. Especially since, technically speaking, they didn't have to worry about demons destroying the world anytime soon. Though, he was worried that Vergil would get him to go somewhere really fancy. Rather than accept the simple pleasures of finding a pizza joint or a ice cream shop and enjoying each others company. Well...in a way that didn't involve them trying to kill each other.

As he walked down the rows of chairs, he spotted a crumbled up wad of paper on the floor. With a cheeky grin, he kicked the paper ball up onto his foot. He kicked it a few extra times to keep it in the air. Alternating between feet he eventually managed to get a rhythm going. Once he counted up to fifty kicks, he did one more that sent the wad into a trash can next to Kitty Cat's desk.

"It's good," he said to himself with a chuckle. Then he went back to cleaning the room.

The second thing on his mind concerned Lover Boy. Specifically, how he was gonna manage teaching the kid anything. With the "Give him a bunch of guns" plan scrapped, he had to actually put in some work to help him out. Which was easier said than done. Dante was good at a lot of things. But something he had never had to do was teach someone else how to do...anything really. Well, someone who wasn't already at his level or near it like Nero was. He had no frame of reference for how he was gonna actually show the human kid how to fight. Not to mention that most of his own skills were more instinctual than anything. He had trained to ensure that his fighting prowess was at the pinnacle, sure. But, usually, he just "got" things when it came to fighting. The best ways to use his Devil Arms came naturally to him.

That's not to say he's completely without a paddle when it came to training the human. At the end of the day, Martial Arts was, at its most basic, finding the best way to block and throw a punch or kick. Something anyone could learn with enough repetition. Granted for a normal person that repetition will usually take weeks or even months of study and practice. But it was possible. So, leading the kid through some basic moves to both take and throw a punch would work at the start. From there, though...he wasn't entirely sure.

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