More Training, Apologies, And Snakes

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The thought process behind students joining clubs was a simple one. Humans have multiple types of activities that they have in their schools. One of the most important parts of being at Yokai Academy was learning to be human. So, having the students get involved with club activities was meant to help them learn how to be human. Thus the reason why it was pushed so much for the students to do so.

Many simply walked around and chose a club that interested them. Unfortunately for Moka and Tsukune...

"Why are there nothing but weird clubs?!" Tsukune shouted as he and Moka ran away from the throng of students. They managed to get free and stopped just outside the hallway filling group. Tsukune's hands went to his knees as he tried to get this breath back. Worried, Moka gently patted him on the back to comfort him. Tsukune thanked her while straightening up. His face was sweating from the stress of dealing with all the clubs that approached them. A spirit Photography Club that asked for nude pictures. A Chemistry Club that wanted to make love potion powder. An Acupuncture Club run by literal mummies. The only club that seemed normal was the Swimming Club, but he avoided it outright considering Moka's issues with it. Though it did hurt to skip out on seeing the pretty girls.

"Urgh, it doesn't look like it's gonna be that easy to find a club, Dante," Tsukune looked up but was confused when he didn't see the Teacher's Assistant near him. He looked around, "Dante?"

"He's back there," Moka pointed toward the throng of students looking for clubs. Tsukune turned around to see where she was pointing. What he saw was Dante walking through the sea of students while being accosted on all sides by various clubs. Including the ones that he and Moka had just run through.

Dante kept smiling but waved each one of them off, "Sorry, kiddos. Need to keep myself open in case Kitty Cat needs me. And I've never been the kind of guy to slack off on a job."

He did point some finger guns at a few of the clubs he passed by. They were upset but most went right back to trying to recruit more students. The main thing was when he started passing by the swimming club. As he passed in front of it, Tsukune and Moka saw the girl in front of the club's stand make her way to him. She got close and tried to throw her arms around Dante's arm...only for Dante to spin on his heel and dodge her. The girl blinked, head turning to follow Dante's movement. Dante wagged a finger at the girl and shook his head, "Now, now, young lady. You shouldn't just hug teachers like that. While it's a nice gesture, it is also inappropriate for this school environment."

She pouted, "I was just trying to get your attention, Dante-sensei. The Swimming Club is only for girls, but we'd love to have you as an adviser. I'd put in a good word for you as the Club's Captain."

She smiled, a bright sight that made multiple male students immediately decide to sign up for the Swimming Club. Dante, meanwhile, just shook his head with a shrug, "Nice offer, but I'll have to decline. Though it certainly looks like you got plenty of new people who want to join up."

He winked at her, walking backward while waving goodbye. The Captain continued to pout but her attention was swiftly taken by the other students who were interested in the Swimming Club. Once she was gone, Dante walked over to Tsukune and Moka. He stopped in front of them, "So, see anything ya like? I'm pretty sure that the club where they swing those wooden swords is open. Might be good for ya, Lover Boy."

Tsukune looked away from Dante and shook his head, "I...don't think so. I wasn't able to find any...normal clubs. What about you, Moka?"

Moka placed a finger on her chin and hummed in thought. Then she shrugged, "I want to go to whatever club that you want to go to, Tsukune."

Her beaming smile made Tsukune blush. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. But Dante rolled his eyes, knowing that the two were gonna go back and forth with this. He tapped his foot against the floor while looking around the room. He could remember the clubs but figured that most of them wouldn't interest the two teenagers in front of them. Especially since most of them aren't exactly "normal". Though considering where he was, expecting a club to be normal to a human isn't a good idea.

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